Relaxing (7)

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Stranger's POV: I can't believe that mutt, Nick, actually found a mate. I DESERVE A MATE MORE THAN HE DOES! Skylar doesn't know it yet but she will be mine. We are going to meet face to face real soon, as long as Skylar doesn't complete the mating process with Nick.

Skylar's POV: I felt something really warm next to my body and snuggled up closer against it. It smelled like warm oak tree. I looked up to find a pair of blue eyes staring directly at mine. I lazily smiled and buried my head into Nick's chest.

"Couldn't sleep without me?" I mumbled in his chest.

"It's hard to stay away from you kitten." My wolf was yippering with excitement at his words.

"Nick can we have a lazy day today? I don't want to do anything else but spend my whole day with you."

"Yea, what do you want to do first because I've got nothing?" he asked.  

I thought about it for a moment when a small smile played on my lips.

"I WANT BREAKFAST!!!!" I screamed and pushed him off the bed. The look on his face was priceless! His eyes were wide open and jaw dropped. I laughed so hard that I fell off the bed. That got him to laugh along with me.

He picked me up with ease and slung me over his shoulder to carry me downstairs.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes when you turned into the hulk kitten!" He said with mock fear.

"Then feed me my good sir!" I ordered in a British accent.

"Will do my lady." We were both chuckling on our way to the kitchen.

I sat down on the stool and watched as Nick made me scrambled eggs with toast.

After we were both done eating breakfast Nick looked like he remembered something.

"Skylar come here, I want to show you something outside." He took my hand and led me to the backyard where I saw a huge volleyball net set up with a volleyball sitting on the ground calling for me.

"Oh my gosh! Nick when did you do this?!" He blushed and replied, "A while ago."

I squeezed him in a bear hug and ran towards the ball.

"Be afraid Mr. Damon," I said with a smirk on my face.

I was winning 14-0, I mean he was really bad. He only made the ball go over the net once and I when I spiked it, it him square in the face. I was rolling on the ground laughing when he stormed up to me like a 5 year old with a tantrum and picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing Nick," I asked a little shakily. He didn't answer and was marching over towards the lake. Oh no, no no no no.

"Nick I swe... PLEASE...NOOOO!" I screamed as he threw me into the cold water. I came up for air and saw him laughing his butt off. I decided to make him pay and started crying a bit.

"What's wrong Skylar, did I hurt you!?" He came running towards the dock and jumped in. When he swam right up to me I squirted water out of my mouth and onto his face.

"Paybacks a bitch right?" I said in a preppy bitch tone and swam towards the dock as fast as I could. I could hear him splashing faster and louder until I felt a hand on my leg pull me backwards.

"Kitten if you run away I'm always going to catch you."

"Don't get too cocky Nicholas Damon."

We dried off and went back inside to check the time.

"Woah it's 12:30! Skylar, do you want to go to town and eat somewhere?" I wasn't too sure about that because of what happened last time. We were lucky that humans weren't there when I shifted in the middle of the diner.

He noticed my hesitance, so he grabbed my face in his palms and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Skylar, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you or come near me again." He looked sincere so I nodded my head.

"Okay but no funny business," I said scoldingly.

"Funny business? Me? Never, kitten you say that like I'm a trouble-maker," He said with fake hurt in his voice.

"Because. You. Are." I said and poked him in the chest. I stood on my toes so I could kiss him on lips. He grabbed my face and deepened the kiss further. I gently nibbled his bottom lip to tease him and pulled back. I'm definitely building confidence in myself I thought with a small smile on my lips.

We ate lunch at a small restaurant in the territory called Ride N' Dine. When we got back into the car he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him. I nodded my head and we took off towards the theatre in town.

I asked him if he could pick out the movie for us because I want to see if we have movie taste in common.

He came back with two tickets to watch Dark Skies. So we do have horror movies in common. Nick even bought popcorn and drinks!

"Thank you for everything today," I whispered as we sat down in a seat and pecked him on cheek.

"Anytime kitten. I think we have more plans for tonight," he said with lust in his eyes. That got my cheeks to turn tomato red and my wolf to start putting dirty images in my mind.

While the movie played I laid my head on Nick's shoulder and he started playing with my hair. On all the scary parts I would jump and squeal into Nick's side. Nick, being the awesome mate he is, would wrap his arms around me protectively and kiss my forehead.

The movie ended and I was creeped out about the kids killing their families so bad that I was actually shaking. That usually doesn't happen unless the movie is really good.

"Nick I need to pee!" I said and ran off to the girl's bathroom. When I was finished and walked out of my stall I saw my ex-boyfriend, Derek, standing there. He went to high school with me before he ran away from his parents and was never able to be seen again.

"Hello Skylar, missed me?" I started screaming before he covered my mouth with his hand.

"If you scream again I will cut your throat open." He was too strong, but how? Oh unless he was a werewolf too. Everyone is a freaking werewolf these days!

"What do you want from me?" I asked timidly.

"I don't want anything from you, but my master does." His master? What the hell!?

I started freaking out again when I realized he was going to kidnap me. Bad idea because he punched me in the side of the head and I blacked out.

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