Chapter 15 - Coming Out

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Chapter 15 - Coming Out

Alex's POV

Once we had entered the small, homely café we were greeted by Red, the Russian woman who owned the place who I met through Nicky. She's always acted as Nicky's mother figure and like another Mom for me. "Alex, long time no see. How are you?" She asks whilst pulling me into a quick embrace. "I'm great thanks, Red... The best I've been in a long time actually..." I reply, looking over to Piper who now has that familiar blush on her cheek.

Clearly, Red hadn't realised Piper as of yet since she asked, "how'd the date go last night? Nicky came in earlier and said you had a big thing set up for someone... Not like you Vause, she must be pretty special. You'll have to introduce us at some point... I've heard she stole your he-". "Red! Erm, yeah... It was great, she's here actually." I interrupt and explain as I grab Piper's hand and bring her into my side. "This is Piper... My girlfriend..." Wow, it feels so good to say that out loud. As I say it I look Piper directly in the eye and we both simultaneously smile. "It's nice to meet you Red, I'm Piper Chapman" Piper explains as she holds out her hand for Red to shake which she takes. "It's nice to meet you too Blondie. You two go get a seat I'll bring some food and something to drink." As Red walks off, me and Piper go sit on an empty table at the back away from everyone.

We sit across from each other and immediately link our hands together on top of the table. "So..." I say as I look into Piper's eyes, "So..." She repeats with the cutest smile. "What happens now? Like I said, I don't know how these things go... How do we act... Some people keep it hidden and some people don't give a shit and flaunt their relationship... I'm okay with both, although I think I'd struggle keeping my hands off you" I add with a smirk and a cheeky wink causing yet another blush to rise to Piper's cheeks.

Someone brings over some drinks and a variety of food for us and walk off whilst Piper seems to be gathering her thoughts. "Well, here's the thing... No one knows I like girls... Apart from you, Nicky and Chelsea... Not my parents or anyone at college so I guess I'd have to come out the closet, so to speak... I don't want to hide what we have babe. So if you're okay with it we can just act like how we would if there was no one around... If people don't like it, I don't care because I have you. It's going to be hard telling my parents though... They're not the most accepting people. I wouldn't be surprised if they kicked me out to be quite honest. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes. Oh fuck!" she stops suddenly. 

"What?! What's wrong?" I ask panicked, tightening my grip on Piper's hand. "Larry... He's going to go ballistic!". I look deep into Piper's clear, sea blue eyes, "Fuck him... I won't let him hurt you Pipes, ever. Over my dead fucking body will he get to you." I explain whilst rubbing her hand soothingly. "You promise?" She whispers, "I promise" I respond with a smile.

Nearly two hours later me and Piper leave the small Café and I drive her home. We're stood on Piper's porch looking into each others eyes, "Come in for a little bit... I don't want you to go yet." She pleads. "But it's like, 5:30 babe..." I retort, not really wanting to leave either. "Please", she begs with her puppy eyes that are just to adorable to resist. "Hmmm, okay but just for a little bit." I say feeling defeated. She lets out a squeal of excitement that's just too cute to put into words. She unlocks her door and drags me inside.

"How does spooning on the couch, Netflix and pasta accompanied by Dr Pepper sound?" She asks walking into the kitchen. "Perfect" I reply, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing the side of her neck whilst she's making the pasta causing her to giggle. "Babeeeee, stop, I'm trynna cook!" She whines but still giggling. I let out a husky chuckle and sit on one of the stools around the table. I watch her move around the kitchen, cooking the pasta and collecting the cans of Dr Pepper from the fridge. She puts the pasta in a dish when its done cooking and we move into the front room with a big blanket.

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