Chapter 14 - Date Night (Part 3) And Good Mornings

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A/N First of all I'm so sorry I haven't updated in over two weeks. I've had a lot going on in my personal life and I've just started college so everything is kinda up in the air right now so to speak. I realised when I re-read the last chapter that I missed out a few things I wanted to add in so that's why I'm doing another part of this date night so yeah... Enjoy!

Alex's POV

When Piper kissed me it confirmed my feelings for her. The way our lips fit perfectly together like two long lost puzzle pieces, the way our tongues caressed one another, it was the perfect mix of hot and passionate with soft and delicate. When she told me she liked me... I couldn't wipe the massive smile off my face. Knowing she faced her fears I decided to grow some balls and tell her that I liked her too. Before that moment I had never said anything so true in my life with so much meaning behind it. Piper Chapman is certainly special.

We were laying on the blanket for another hour or so, Piper's head resting on my chest with our arms wrapped around each other and our legs tangled together whilst stealing kisses from each other every once in a while. I've never felt so happy and content as I did then. "Shit, I nearly forgot" I murmured to myself. "What's wrong babe?" Piper asked looking up at me with concern laced in her eyes. As she called me babe, a smile made it's way onto my face. "Nothing kid, I just forgot, I got something for you." I explained as we both sat up.

I went over to the bag and pulled out the box from it and hid it so she couldn't see. I sat down facing her and looked into her eyes, smiling, which she reciprocated. I pulled the box from behind my back and cautiously handed it to her, hoping she'd like it. She took the box from my hand to reveal the gold chain with a plate in the middle with 'Piper' carved into it.

She looked at the dainty bracelet with her mouth agape... Shit... "Fuck you don't like it do you? I can take it back and I'll get you something else or-" I'm stopped with a simple, sweet kiss on my lips. I pull away when I feel a wet substance on my cheeks. I look at Piper to see tears streaming down her cheeks. I immediately move forward and pull her into me and wipe the tears off of her cheeks with my thumb. "I... I-it's perfect" I hear her say in a delicate voice. I wait until she stops crying to pull away. "Why are you crying kid?" I ask softly. I pull her small body onto my lap and wrap my arms around her waist as she looks into my eyes. "No one has ever done something like this for me before... I've never been taken on such an... Indescribable date and no one has ever bought me something so beautiful with so much meaning... I love it Alex, I really do." She says whilst staring into my eyes... I feel a small blush rise to my cheeks which is more than rare. "Fuck it" I whisper like Piper had done previously, "what?" she asks confused.

"Piper... You're seriously one of a kind... I've known you what? A couple of weeks and you've already had such a massive impact on my life and you're all I can thing about. You're perfect smile when you show your teeth and you get little dimples in your cheeks, the way your beautiful blue eyes light up when you're excited or happy, the way you frown when you're confused, how your hair flows in it's natural wavy curls over your shoulders perfectly, how you play with your hands or shuffle when you're nervous... You're beautiful, stunning in fact, intelligent, wise, funny, kind, caring, unique, intriguing, calm, collected... You're fucking perfect! Until a couple of weeks ago I was this hard ass that didn't let anyone in, I slept around and never really did relationships. But you... You came into my life and you've changed me. You know some of my deepest, darkest secrets that no one knows, I haven't slept with anyone since you became a part of my life and as for relationships... I still don't understand them, I don't know the rules or anything to do with the matter and quite frankly, they scare the shit out of me! Just the thought of it scares me... But it's what I want... With you. No one but you... So I guess what I'm saying... well, asking is... Fuck... Pipes, will you be my girlfriend?"

As I was talking I lowered my head and started playing with Piper's hands out of nervousness... I stop when I feel one, soft finger go under my chin and lift it up so I was looking Piper in the eyes who has the biggest smile I have ever seen plastered on her face. "Yes!" She practically shouts whilst jumping on me, knocking me on my back and kissing all over my face. She pulls back and looks directly into my eyes and with that hugs me, a  beautiful grin on her face which is now plastered on my own. "I really like you... Girlfriend" I say, causing piper to giggle and respond, "I like you too, girlfriend". We both laugh and spend the rest of the unforgettable night talking and kissing in each others embrace, forgetting about the rest of the world and just living in the moment. We eventually fall asleep under the stars, even though we wish we didn't because for once... Our reality was better than our dreams.

I woke up the next to small kisses being planted all over my face, causing a smile to form on my lips, "I know you're awake babe" I hear Piper whisper in my ear causing me to grin. I open my eyes to see Piper hovering above me. I pull her down so she's laying on top of me and join our lips together in a simple kiss. Since Piper is in a playful mood this morning I decide to keep going. I allow my hands to wander down to her sides and squeeze her hips causing her to moan.

I then, unexpectedly, tickle her sides knowing she's super ticklish. She screams and wriggles around, begging me to stop whilst I carry on and roll her onto her back and straddle her hips so she cant wriggle away. "PLEASE ALEX STOP, PL-!" she shouts in between fits of laughter. After a few more minutes I stop and pull her up into a sitting position, whilst she's recovering from laughing. "Good morning, kid" I say with a smirk on my face, "Good morning to you too... Girlfriend" she replies causing a smile to take over my face. I pepper kisses all over her face before planting one right on her lips.

"What time is it?" She asks. I grab my phone and glance at the time, "Shit... It's 3 in the afternoon... We better get you home soon" I say, not hiding the disappoint in my voice, knowing I'll have to leave Piper. I look to her and see the same disappointment reflected in her own eyes. "Nicky said to just leave all the stuff hear and someone will clear it away later or something... How about we get some lunch first?" I add with a little smirk, knowing it will make that smile return. Which it did.

When we finished collecting up the stuff we wanted to take home we went back to where we had dinner and my old, beat up bike was there as Nicky promised. I chucked Piper a helmet and placed one on my own head as we both jumped up. As I revved the engine up, Piper let out an excited squeal like always and wrapped her arms around my waist, cuddling into my back as she did so. I pulled off onto the road and weaved my way through the traffic to a little Café I know with very few people in. I jumped off and helped Piper do the same, took off our helmets and walked into the little café, hand in hand.

A New Beginning. (Lesbian Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora