I pulled out a pair of dark blue sweatpants, and a plain white tight t-shirt, quickly dressing, hopping into the king sized bed for warmth.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep, sinking into the comfortable mattress.

I thought about Clora, and my mother. I knew Clora and Kenai, and a few of my other friends would notice me gone. Would they call the police? Would they try to contact my mother? Would they think she'd killed me out of a drunken rage and buried my body deep in the woods? I knew for a fact my mother Florence wouldn't notice, and if Clora asked her where I was she'd simply slam the door in her face or reply with something drunken, like, 'Don't know, don't care. Maybe she's out with a boy. It's only typical of her to be out and not here taking care of her dear old mother'. I actually pictured her wobbling in the front doorway, spitting as she spoke, flailing around her bottle of vodka as Clora stood there awkwardly.
Would I ever be found? Or would I simply vanish and that would be the end?


When I woke I stretched my limbs out wide and felt my knee knock onto something.
I flipped my eyes open and sat up on my elbows to be greeted with the familiar smile of Seth, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Morning sunshine" He smiled as he stood up and walked over to my closet, pulling it open.

"Morning" I groaned groggily

"Get up. Grant will be here soon. We need to dress you up in something so conservative that not even I can find you physically desirable" He glanced at me

I tossed my blankets off of my body and swung my legs over the side

"What are you talking about?" I asked, rubbing my eyes

He pulled out some shorts and threw them aside

"Grant is young, attractive and highly flirtatious. And I already know that when he takes one look at you, he's going to be pulling every move possible, just to get into your pants" Seth explained as he tossed aside a low cut shirt

"Great" I rolled my eyes and slowly slid out of bed "And I take it he will be staying here when he gets here after what Duke told me yesterday"

"What did Duke tell you yesterday exactly?" He narrowed as he pulled out a pair of black jeans and a loose dark blue t-shirt with a single pocket on one side

"Just that Grant is coming, and he lives here from time to time" I answered, looking at myself in the golden rimmed wall mirror.

My neck hadn't bled out overnight, it was still intact. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey Seth, I was wondering" I started, changing my tone slightly higher

"Yes?" He quickly gave me a tilted sideways glance

"I was wondering about Duke... He said he also had an ability, what is it exactly?" I asked innocently, pulling a brush from my bedside table, beginning to work out the knots

"Did he not tell you?"

"No" I answered back

"Well then, it's not really my place to tell you. Is it?" He replied as he shut the cupboard doors and threw me the clothes he held

"Fine, so, what about you and Riley, do you guys have any?" I asked, edging for more

He gave me a suspicious look before answering as I walked towards the bathroom, stopping at the door

"No. Riley and I do not have any gifts" He answered taking long strides towards the bedroom door.
It was sincere, and I believed him, or it was a perfect lie, a skill they also had.

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