Chapter 1

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(If I misspell any words, I'm sorry)

It was midnight and Sakura was taking a walk. She was just thinking, about a lot of things, like, a new girl coming to the village with Sasuke-Teme. She was stressed out. She heard a noise from behind her. When she turned around, she saw nothing.

Sakura: *Must be my imagination. I should really stop stressing.*

Inner Sakura: I hate the new girl!! Because of her we no longer have friends. She turned them againts you.

Sakura: (sigh) *Your right inner. We should leave. You know? I'm tired of this. We surpassed Tsunade. If we wanted we could become hokage. But we could leave, and if we do, where are we gonna go?*

Inner Sakura: Suna, Amegakure, Kirigakure, we alone, are allies to everyone. There are many benifits to surpassing Tsunade and saving lives. I say we go to Suna. What do you think?

Sakura: *I agree with you. We should head out tomorrow. We will arrive like a suprise. The only sad part is no one will notice or care. Even Naruto hates me. Anyway should we leave a note?*

Inner Sakura: It would be a waste of time but we can if your willing to write it.

Sakura *No. Whats the point if nobody's gonna read it.*

There's knocking on the door. Sakura got up to check it and when she did, she saw Ino. Ino looked happy but Sakura glared at her.

Ino: Hey forehead!! Listen, we are going out and were wondering if you wanted to go.

Sakura: We? Why should I? So you can find more ways to hate me? Do me a favor and kill me!! I know you all hate me and I don't see the need to go out with people who hate me and your also giving more reasons to leave and go rogue.

Ino: Yeah, me, Karin, TenTen, Temari, and Hinata. Jeez, forehead, your so depressing. Anyway, I'm your best friend and your coming with me. Ok?

Sakura: No way, Ino-pig. First you believe Karin, then you turn your back on me, and now you expect me to forgive you and pretend nothing happened?!?!?!? I don't think so.

Ino: Yeah, and Karin was right. You are so self centered. It's no wonder you attacked her.

Sakura: Ino-pig, do you really think I would do that?? If that's what you think, then we were never really true friends. Just leave. Temari, if you are my friend and you don't believe what they say, then you may come in. If you believe them, then just leave. I can't take anymore heartache.

Temari: Sakura, I don't believe them, but I want to have fun. Let me in for a min. The others will have to stand at the begining of your driveway, ok?

Sakura: Ok. Come in. But ONLY Temari may enter. I don't want a bunch of traitors in my house.

Inside Sakura's house. They don't realize that someone is listening to them.      

Temari:  Listen, Karin is saying all those things because she was jealouse that you have freinds and people that love you.  I almost forgot to mention, that I'm so excited that you are coming to Suna tomorrow. And I get to be your escort! It's not that your not strong, it's just your very valuable and people just wanna be sure that they get you. Also Gaara-

Sakura: Temari,

Temari: has a major crush on you. It's so obviouse that he likes you-

Sakura: Temari,

Temari: and the fact that he left some of his sand here to watch over you, just gives even more proof that he likes you.

Sakura: Temari!!!!!

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