The Beginning of the End

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This is a story I am writing from a horse's point of view. My ideas are inspired from a combination of Black Beauty and Chancey of the Maury river. I also was inspired by my horseback riding experiences and the experiences i've had with horses. This story is dedicated to my friend @lilsasie for her help when i was stuck, enthusiasm, and  Please read and comment and tell me what i could do to make it better!


"CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!" The sound of my friends chewing the luscious grass filled my ears. My field was full of fresh grass as far as the horse-eye can see. The smartest horses know where the richest grass is, the freshest parts of the river, and the certain spot on an apple tree to kick to get the apples down. The whole ranch had a quiet and peaceful feel to it. Things flowed the way they were supposed to. Life was at ease and I enjoyed every moment of my carefree life. I was surrounded by a beautiful landscape and other horses to care about me.

"Hey Claire! Want to show the guys our racing skills?" my friends Snowdrop and Acorn asked.  I whinnied my agreement and cantered across the field toward the old racetrack. 

The three fastest colts Arrow, Biscuit, and Samuel stood waiting for us impatiently.

"Are you sure you girls won't cry to your moms when we win?" Samuel snorted.

"Sam you'll need a more than your mom to help you when we're done with this race! Just because we are girls doesn't mean that we aren't faster than you!" Snowdrop snorted angrily as she reared.

"Let's start this race so we can end it!" the great draft horse Macadoo neighed loudly, " now i want no cheating or dirty play! Understand? Good. Ya'll ready? On your mark, get set, GOOOO!!!!!!"

My hooves thundered on the racetrack, and as I saw to my amazement, I was in the lead! All too soon my gallop started to slow down and the stallions caught up to me. Snowdrop quickened her pace to make sure we won. We were rounding the last bend and I pushed myself a little harder and . . . crossed tthe finish line in first!!! Snowdrop kicked the air at our victory and made sure Samuel knew we won! My other friends came over and congragulated on our win and when we walked into our field i had a new name, Claire the Champion foal! This was the biggest and most life-changing day of my young life.

"Mother! Mother! Guess what?!" I yelled, for I was just a yearling.

"What is it Claire my darling?" my mother nuzzled me gently. My mother and I were very close and nearly inseparable. I told her the news of my wonderful victory. Under the light of the full moon, we celebrated something that was not very common, a filly who possibly had a chance to become a great racehorse! The other colts and fillies chased each other around the fields. This celebration brought joy and a secure feeling amongst us horses, but little did we know something bigger lay just up the road

My barn was made of beautiful oak wood. It was an ancient oak wood barn, but its age didn't take any of its beauty away! The hay was rich and the grain was amazing. My water was aways fresh and pure in taste. The caretaker Joe had a smile on his face whenever he walked into barn and treated us horses very well. I was one of his favorites, he was my favorite caretaker. He gave me extra treats and kept both of my troughs full.

"Hello my favorite girl! Look at what I've got for you." Joe patted my neck, handing me 2 sugar cubes. I whinnied and nuzzled his greasy black hair to show my gratitude. My nose twitched and I dove it into Joe's worn and dirty overalls.

"Okay girl, enough! You caught me! Here you go. I got to go now my good girl." He laughed his warm cheery laugh as he gave me a hidden carrot from his pocket.

Soon after Joe left the barn and i wuz dozing off to sleep, I heard the sound of boots on the stairs up into the loft. My heart pounded when i smelled smoke. My eyes opened widely as I saw the red, orange, and yellow flames licking the sides of the barn!  I gave a loud terrfied scream and reared my eyes wide and full of fear. My scream awoke the other horses and they started to kick the stalls in fear and reared. The familiar sound of Joe's riding boots lifted my spirits as a bunch of the stable grooms and trainers smashed open the door and ran to out rescue!  Joe ran to me first but I couldn't bear to see my friends get out after me and of course my mother. I reared trying to show Joe I would wait for my friends and mother to be safely outside before I was saved.  In my scared outburst I kicked my legs with force I didn't know I had, and kicked Joe into the gigantic stall, that held my friends, and hit his head on the lock causing the door to fall down on his leg and get it ran over by my friends. I'm so sorry Joe! I though to myself. Some grooms nearby picked Joe up, now unconscious, and brought him out of the flamming barn. The caretaker I liked the least, Micheal, came over and refused to let me stay in here. I stood glued to the ground when i heard my mother give a panicked whinny.

" Go Claire! Now! You must go to help yourself! Don't worry about me I will be okay!" She cried. My eyes looked at her in disbelief but followed her orders. Safely outsside the barn, Micheal raced back inside to fetch another horse when I heard the most terrible sound possible. A loud crash was heard and the barn collapsed, making my mother, Micheal and other horses and caretakers were lost forever in the pile of debri.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I squealed in horror. She was gone forever and it was my fault. I could have given her a few more minutes to get out if I had gone with Joe. My grief sooned turned to anger. That stupid person that lit the barn on fire was a murderer. They would never get away with it as long as I live. I will find them and make them suffer the consequences for killing my mother and many other horses and caretakers. I will find him if it's the last thing I do.

"He will pay. He will pay. He won't get away from me. He can run but he can't hide. Don't worry I will find you and you will be sorry, more than you could ever imagine!" I thought silently to myself, making my eyes shine in the moonlight, reflecting the sinister look I had on my face.


Oooh clif hanger! Not finished wit da story but comment and like if u think its good! keep reading plz and tell me wat u think of it thnx!!!!!!!!!!!

ClaireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang