Chapter 9: Truth

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To be honest, I don't like Twilight. .3.' Please don't kill me.


-Alice's POV-

I jumped out the window where I threw the damn pure blood. He was already standing up on his two feet. I jumped at him, trying to throw my fist at his face, but he took my hand and led me to the side, letting go of my fist.

"I don't want to fight." He said.

"Well, well, give up so soon?" I said with an evil smirk on my face.

"Did I ever said that I'm giving up?" He said with slight annoyance in his tone.

My eyes glow a bright crimson color and a forceful wave comes from me and an intense speed at Kaname. With a wave of his hand, it disappears and it is noneffective. I growl in irritation as I charge at him once again, sending my leg at his stomach.

"Who are you?" Kaname says as he holds me back.

"Don't touch me you bastard!" I say as I try to pull him off me.

As I had continued to stuggle, his grip on me tightened. I screamed in pain as he began to turn my let around ( *Cringed* ). He lifted my leg as I try to stay balanced, continuing to make my attempts (Me: It's not gonna wooorrrkk -_____-).

He held my leg up to to his mouth and he looked at me. He could tell that I was in great pain and I knew that he wouldn't go easy on my that's for damn sure.

"Tell me. Now." He said as blood gushed out and ran down my leg.

I violently shook my head as he brought his lips to my bleeding leg. His fangs showed and I instantly tried all my best to break free.

"No!!" I yelled at him as I shook in fear, fearing that he will knowing what we really are.

Everyone crowed around us, even Yuki and Zero. Kaname bit into my skin. I screamed so loud that the sleeping bird's had woke up and flew away somewhere else.

I looked at him, his expression looked confused and lost. He bit deeper into my leg and I winced. More blood ran down my leg, making everyone thirsty. Especially Zero (Thirsty much? eue).

He let go of my leg and I fell, landing on the ground. I looked up and Kaname. He mouthed 'pure blood.' The important people's (. U.) eyes widened and they all looked at me, obviously shocked.

"H-How...?" Aido walked up to me a bit, stopping at a certain distance.

"We didn't even smell your sent! How?!" He said, sounding a bit panicked.

"Hey, (F/N)." I started. Everyone looked at my, tilting their heads in confusion.

"You want your body back?" I said as I heard her voice scream.


"Hey, Aido." I said.

He snapped out of it and looked at me.

"Y-Yeah...?" Aido said a bit dazed.

"Trust fall." I said as I fell back towards Aido.

"O-OI! (F-F/N)!" He said as he caught (F/N)'s body.

-(F/N)'s POV-

"Hnng.... Blood.... Leg... Ow...." I said as I was asleep.

Hold up.

I shot up and screamed at the top of lungs. I looked around and saw that I was back in the moon dorms and laying down on the couch. With everyone. Watching.

I looked at everyone. All eyes where on me. This is a bit uncomfortable... I shifted a bit in my seat. I waited for couple of moments and stood up, running to my room and closing the door behind me. I leaned up against the door and slid down, sighing.

I crawled up to the bed and layed on it, stairing up at the ceiling. I groan in confusion and burry my face in the pillow next to me as I try to figure out how this is going to go down.

I might as well take a little nap. Maybe when I wake up, none of this is going to be real and I'm just going to be a human. I wrapped myself in my soft blanket and fell asleep.

-Nap skip-

I hate real life.

I woke up with someone knocking at my door. I groan sleepily and look outside. It's bright out. I check the time and see that it is almost 9 am in the morning. Can't you are that I'm trying to sleep...?

The person had knocked again and I groaned louder.

I started walking to the door.

"If you're just going to stare at me more, then you better just leave-" As I opened the door, I bumped into a tall and muscular figure.

"Hello, Miss (F/N)." Kaname said.

"Hello..... Kaname." I said back to him, mumbling and avoiding eye contact.

Since I was almost the same length as him, it was really awkward. He could see me, trying to avoid my eye contact with him. As he brought up his hand, and he tried to lift up my chin but I slapped it away.

"We need to talk." Kaname said firmly.

Standing at a awkward moment, I slowly stepped back. Just as he was about to enter the room, I quickly panicked and shut the door on his face.

Uh oh.

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