Chapter 23

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I kept running ignoring all the Strange looks I was getting from people. I slide my flip flops on and ran inside of the airport dripping from head to toe, I ran up to the counter "I need a ticket to the earliest flight to Forks or La push Washington" I said pulling my hair out of my face

"The earliest one is to forks and It leaves in 20 minutes. and its 400$ mostly because its last minute" She said, I quickly pulled out 400$ and slammed down on the counter

"I will take it" I said feeling my heart race

"Name?" She asked as she started typing fast as she could

"Raine Dior"

"Here. and hurry." She said handing me the ticket, I nodded and ran off towards Gate B22 this is one of those times in grateful for My werewolf speed

"Please tell me I'm not to late"I asked as I ran up to the gate nearly tripping over my feet

"Your just in time" The male who checked the tickets smiled "Ticket?" He said holding his hand out, I placed my ticket in the palm of his hand and rocked nervously on my feet "Have a good flight Ms.Dior" He said flashing a smile and winking,

"Thanks, And I'm 16 Fyi" I said grabbing my ticket from his hand and walked onto the plane. I took my seat and yawned

"Someone Call heaven an Angel haves gone missing" Said a voice from the guy next to me which sounds oddly Familiar, I turned to face the guy and rolled my eyes

"Someone call the The game, A player is needed, and there's one here"I said smirking " And i believe his name is Ryan Donver" I said crossing my arms, He looked at me with a blank face and blinked

"How do you know my name?" He asked Flipping his black hair out of his pale blue eyes

"Cause you've only been my best friend since I was Six"I said forcing a smile, its true, Ryan was my first friend, I had a small crush on him when i was 12 and 13

"Raine?" He asked in a surprised tone Looking at me up and down

"Nah the tooth fairy doofus" I said then thought of Jacob.. I said that to him the night he first kissed me

"What happened to short, Chubby, Goody two shoes, never do drugs. Raine?" He asked touching my arm"Your burning up Raine" He muttered when he touched my skin

"She grew up, around the time you Left" I sighed then bit my lip "I just ran 20 minutes in the pouring rain dressed like this I am bound to have a fever" I said lying about having a fever "So what are you doing going to forks?" I Asked changing the subject quickly

"I live there, I was visiting my Aunt. what about you?" He said as the plane took off into the sky

"I didn't know you lived there" I muttered "And. its kinda a long story." I added running my fingers through my damp hair

"We have time" He said grinning, I sighed and turned to face him more

"Well. About two or three months ago I moved down to La push to live with Alexa, then I met someone who I ended falling for badly An-" I said before He interrupted me

" I don't like him already" He said Bitterly. I looked at him confused but went on with the story

" And But the thing is Hes in love with his female best friend, whose also a pretty good friend of mine now.about a week or two later His male best friend took me to prom and He went to prom with the queen bitch. His best friend confessed hes in love with me, He didn't take it to well when i blurted out I was in love with his best friend.. later on in the night I ended up finding out Alexa was dead. then yesterday, I left for Ohio because the night before he and I were boyfriend and Girlfriend. and we were at a meeting snuggling up at the campfire with her. right in front of me.. so yesterday i left him a letter and the necklace he gave me and left for the airport. And like not even a hour ago i realized. I love it there, I love him more than i even knew" I said still holding back the tears

"I am Jealous of the guy best friend" He muttered under his breath

"Why?" I asked curiously followed by A yawn

"Because he was able to tell you he is in love with you,I couldn't even do that when I left" he whispered, I shut my eyes tightly

"Ryan.." I sighed

"Do you have any feelings for me at all Raine?" He asked placing his hand on my cheek, I opened my eyes knowing there were glossed over with tears

"I used too.."I Admitted quietly letting my mind wander to Jacob

"I still do Raine" He said cupping my face and pressed his lips against mine, I didn't pull away.. In fact, I kissed him back.. I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled away

"I shouldn't of Done that."I said burying my face in my hands

"Why?" He asked with a hurt voice

"Because I am still in love with him..." I Said softly "I'm going to get some rest" I muttered shutting my eyes falling asleep fast

"Why did you do that?" A familiar hurt voice asked " I don't know.." I sighed quietly " You could of pulled away or something but not kiss back" He muttered angrily "Jacob it was a moment of weakness.. I've been holding back my emotions since i left" I said Letting the tears fall "You didn't have to Kiss him though" he said starting to shake violently "So its okay for you to kiss Bella, When you want to and have not been going through shit, but its not okay for me Kiss him when i was weak and been going to shit?" I asked bitterly "That's totally different" He grumbled shaking his head "How so? cause you would of chosen her anyway?" I said not knowing if the tears coming down were angry tears or hurt tears "Its not like that!" He said with his voice getting louder "Just forget it, You shouldn't of come back" He said angrily, My heart stopped and broke "No. I shouldn't of came here in the first place, that way i would of never met you, I should of killed myself when I had the chance" I said turned around "By the way.." I said shutting my eyes "I hate you. I wish I never Imprinted on you. Why couldn't it been Embry" I Said even though I know that was Low "Raine.. You need to know this.. I--"

"Raine wake up we landed" Ryan whispered shaking me slightly, My eyes flickered open

"Thanks" I said quickly getting up putting my backpack over my shoulder "See you some other time, I'm in a hurry sorry" I said running off the plane. I ran fast as I could almost landing on my face a couple of times. I ran outside and called for a Taxi. ten minutes later one came, I quickly got in

"Forks High school and Step on it please "I Asked shutting my eyes.. Bella's Grad started in a hour.. hopefully i will get there before Jacob gets seated

Jacob Black. I imprinted on Him, Wait what?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora