Baby daddy

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I remembered that night with Gally. The euphoria of the moment as things got heated fast. How our hands explored each others bodies and our tongues danced together battling for dominance. One thing led to another and we ended up making love and I woke up tangled in the bed with my head rested in the crook of Gally's neck.
Since that night Gally and I had gotten closer and begun dating much to the surprise of many gladers. Still one thing haunted my mind constantly from the moment I woke up to the moment I laid to sleep curled up next to Gally. He was worried about me I could tell and would often create a scene and say that nothing would ever be good enough for his sailor. See, Gally liked to be called Captain so he soon decided that i would be his sailor.
It started out small, I was always ill and tired, I'd be hungry more often and kept getting strange cravings. Deep down I knew what was the matter with me and denied Gally's desperate pleas to visit the med-jacks because I was in denial and wasn't ready for hear it up front for real. One day I felt a kick and I gasped and then I couldn't deny it any longer, I was pregnant with Gally's baby. But how could I possibly raise a child in the glade, a place that was not fit for children. Then there was the thought of telling Gally and I knew how he would react, he was one of the keepers and it was his job to help keep order in the glade, a baby would change everything.
I dug a shovel into the ground wiping sweat off my brow as I heaved a sigh. When did everything get so shucked? "Something on your mind Y/N?" Newt asked. He was like a brother to me and he looked concerned and I simply shook my head and he left it at that knowing not to push me further for details. I knew of the plans to leave the glade tonight, Newt wanted me to leave the glade with him and some other gladers and Gally wanted me to stay. I was torn between a brother like figure or my lover and it was frustrating knowing I had to make my mind up pretty soon as night drew closer.
I watched wordlessly as Thomas took a stand with Newt, Minho and Theresa by his side against Gally asking the other gladers if they wanted to leave and prompting them to join now if they wanted to. Newt locked eyes with me and I knew what I had to do, I subtly nodded and stepped forward taking his hand with the knowledge that my child would have the chance at a better life outside of the glade. "Y/N, you too?" Gally asked in disbelief but I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes because the truth would crush him. "I'm sorry," I whispered faintly before turning and running into the maze behind Newt.
I trailed behind Newt as tears stained my cheeks. The gladers all sent me looks of pity when they thought I couldn't see them, but I noticed. They knew how much I love Gally and it hurt having to leave him behind. We encountered some grievers and the strongest went forward and worked on killing them all one by one. Thomas and Theresa managed to crack the code and it opened up a door which led to a large room filled with computers and desks everywhere but it was empty, there were no people here. Or perhaps I should rephrase that, there were no alive people here. The room was scattered with bodies lying all over the floor, some still slumped in their chairs and I covered my mouth stifling the screams that built in my throat.
"There's a way out, follow me," Thomas shouted pointing towards a tunnel at the opposite side of the room and I pulled my gaze away from the dead people and only now noticed the tunnel that stretched onwards leading out and hopefully away from the maze and everything else. "We cant leave," a voice sounded from behind me and I turned around seeing Gally stood there, gun in hand. "They wont let us leave," Gally insisted. "Who Gally? Everyone's dead!" I said while motioning to all the figures around us. He raised the gun.
"Y/N get away from there, he's been stung!" Theresa warned, she was the only one who knew of my condition and helped me through it, she was the only one I could trust, maybe because she was a girl, or maybe its because she genuinely seemed to care. "He wont hurt me," I insist taking a step forward towards Gally. A gunshot rings out and I gasp squeezing my eyes shut and expecting to feel pain but don't feel anything and I open my eyes to see Minho through a spear at Gally piercing his shoulder and Chuck collapses with blood seeping through his shirt.
"Gally!" I scream rushing over and hugging him as he fell. "You cant leave me, not now! I need you! We need you!" I sob into his shirt. "I'm pretty sure the other gladers don't like me very much," he jokes lightly motioning to the spear that stuck out of his shoulder. "I wasn't talking about the gladers Gally. I was talking about me. I'm pregnant genius!" I corrected and his eyes bugged out of his forehead with shock.
Gally slowly rested his hand across my bump that was slowly beginning to form and smiled slightly. "I hope he or she will be beautiful just like their mommy," he whispered. "Well stick around and you'll find out. We'll patch you up. Your going to be okay," I insisted tears slipping down my cheeks and landing on his shirt. His hand fell from my stomach and landed limp on the floor. It was over, Gally was dead.
"No Gally wake up!" I screamed crying over his body and hands grab at me pulling me kicking and screaming as his body gets left behind. I was thrown into a helicopter and Newt caught me in his arms. "You could have told me. You may not be related to me by blood, but shuck your still my sister!" Newt mumbled into my hair. "I know Newt, and I'm sorry. But I was so scared, the thought of raising a baby in the glade, Gally didn't even know, only Theresa knew," I cried.
"Your safe now so is the baby, that's all that matters. Us gladers will keep you safe." Newt assured me and I slowly nodded. "I want to call him Gally if its a boy," I said with a small smile, "and Isaac for his middle name," I added shoving Newt lightly in the shoulder chuckling because he was named after Isaac Newton and I wanted my baby to have a part of my two favourite people with him always. "Sounds perfect, I'm sure Gally will love you both no matter what." Newt said with a smile.
I looked out of the windows into the skies and seeing a star shining extra bright and smiled. "Yes and he will be watching over us both always," I say and the star twinkles like it was winking at me.

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