Glaciate Hate

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I have been told that hate is just twisted love.

Never more have I disagreed so vehemently with a statement.

I will not speak for any other being; I will leave tongues in their mouths.

My hate runs not burning hot, but rather it stings with the pain of the deepest frostbite.

Rarely will I strike out, trying to debase and warp your person.

More often, I will negate you from any and all thoughts that wade through my mind.

Perfectly and without exception, I will erase you from every part of me that you have touched, transforming warm memories into weak piles of ash.

All feelings, concepts, and beliefs that I held so close to my heart will be cauterized without remorse, so that I may stop your image from bleeding further into my soul.

When I hate, there is no trace of love.

There is only the needle-prick need to sterilize all fractures in my being, erradicate all fragments of you.

When I hate, I benumb and forget all love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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