Memoirs Of A Hood Princess

Start from the beginning

Chapter 2

We had been walking on bourbon street for three hours and I had drunk three hand grenades and was feeling really good. “How come you cant see how much I love you stubborn girl,” “here we go again with this shit Q,” he stopped me in my tracks and pulled me to the sidewalk. I hated walking on the sidewalks out here cause it always smelled like piss cause drunk fuckers would pull their dicks out and piss in the nearest corner. “You could have anyone and you choose the worst niggas let me make you a deal, don’t say yeah, just let me help you out for a couple of months, take you out a couple nights of the week and spend time with you. If you don’t feel nothing for a nigga then you tell me to bounce,” I looked up and just said fuck it cause this nigga wouldn’t stop. “O.k. but what is it exactly you want from me Quincy, I mean fuck you can have any of these bitches and you keep shooting ya stick at me,” “ I want what the fuck you gave to rest of them lame ass nigga,” “ so you wanna buy me,” “no mutha fucka, a nigga tryna love you, but you then been fucked for so long you cant understand the shit Im talking about that,” he looked away and I started to let what he said sink in. I grabbed Quincy’s hand and told him let’s go. We walked back to his car and I looked at him for a second and was surprised when “o.k.” came out of my mouth. “What” he looked puzzled when he asked me this, “Your right, why not huh.” “We’ve been knowing each other all our lives, so lets see where it goes,” “ o.k. Slim but please don’t let me catch you fucking a nigga while your with me cause imma break your fucking neck.” His tone didn’t surprise me cause I knew he was only joking, he would never touch me. He loved me to much. It had took me three weeks to find a two bedroom apartment in town to rent. Quincy had brought me all new furniture, and the shit was better than my last stuff. He had taken me shopping even for clothes for me and the kids and I still hadn’t slept with him yet. I knew tonight was the night, the kids had left to go to their dad’s for the weekend and it would just be me and Q. Quincy didn’t live with me, because he already had his own house and it was really nice, you would think his mother lived there because it was decorated so nice in the inside. I tripped out when he told me he had special people fly in to decorated it. He asked if we wanted to move in with him, but that was to much for me. So every day he visited me and the kids and took us out every weekend. After dropping the kids off in Quincy’s car I spent the rest of my day in the mall. I spent two thousand dollars in thirty minutes and I wasn’t surprised because I hadn’t shopped in months. I decided to buy something nice out of Victoria’s Secret. Quincy had done so much, I felt like I owed him. I found a white lace teddy, white the see through robe to match, just looking at it I knew it would look so good on my body. I had purchased some Gucci pumps and Mark Jacobs new fragrance Lola two days earlier, because part of me was planning this night along time ago. We left the palace at 10:46 and the new Madea’s Movie was funny ass hell, when I reached the apartment I was already feeling good because Quincy Hennessey and redbulls on the way there and the way home. I still popped open a bottle of White Zinfindel and started the shower. I stayed in for two hours because I was so fucking nervous. When I came out Quincy had fell asleep on the couch fully dressed. I rubbed his face and he looked up at me, when he realized I was half naked it looked like he had just woken from a coma. “Slim, you don’t have to this now baby girl,” I took his hand and rubbed it gently down my thigh, I suddenly realized he had never seen me naked before. I leaned down a little just to undo his pants and slide my hands a little in his boxers. I wasn’t surprise what I found because this was a nigga that was sure of himself, and you don’t have an attitude like that for nothing. “Make love to me Quincy,” Q stood up and moved me slightly, just to get a look at me “Slim you are so sexy girl, none of those niggas deserved you,” I looked at him and kissed his neck and followed by kissing my lips. His hands felt so good on my skin and then I caught myself thinking about how tripped out Vonn will be when I tell her this shit. Quincy pulled me in the room and undressed me, laid me straight back and put his head right in my pussy. He ate me so soft and slow that I came instantly. He came up kissed me and went to work. I must admit Quincy’s sex game was the shit and he did just what I asked him to, he made love to me. I slept on Quincy’s chest all that night and when we woke that morning we took a shower together and I cooked him breakfast. We spent the whole day laying on the sofa, laughing about the night before. Quincy got up to go to the bathroom and stayed in for an hour, I knew he didn’t take a shit, because the nigga didn’t flush. He came out looking light headed and his eyes were lower than usual. He sat next to me and I could smell the heroin on him. I knew the smell because I had tried it once and I got so sick to my stomach I prayed if God would make me feel better I wouldn’t touch the shit again. God answered my prayers but left me with a reminder, if I even spelled it I became sick. I hated that shit and I hated that he loved it so muck. He never said anything about it and neither did I. I knew from day one about his heroin addiction, it was him I tried it with. He fell in love at the first snort and I dropped to my knees and prayed for redemption. I could never tell him anything about it because who the fuck was I. I had smoked weed all of my teen years and tampered with coke the most part of my twenties, and suddenly I just despised drugs in my body. I would sell, but I would never touch. I hadn’t did any drugs in almost eight years and I was proud. I could never tell him or my friends about their addictions because they all knew my past and I had no right. He curled up under me and I did what anyone would do, I held him. I didn’t know what but something was haunting him and I couldn’t figure out what. I had became used to having Quincy around. Quincy made me feel alive again and I loved him for that. Since dating Quincy I had been living a nice life. Quincy would take me and the kids out every weekend, he adored me and the kids more than anything. I loved spending time with Quincy at his house, it was comfortable and when I was there It seemed I could close the world out. Quincy signed Dylan up for football and he was at every practice and every game and they both enjoyed it. I really loved how much Quincy cared for us, part of me felt like I didn’t deserve it. Being with Q had its up and downs, I even had to kick one bitch ass for stepping out of line and tryna get at him in front of me. I beat the bitch so bad she had to go to the doctor, Quincy politely went to the hospital and told the bitch if she ever did the shit again he would make me beat her ass again. I respected the fact he never disrespected me…..never. A year had passed of me Quincy fucking around and on this particular day he decides not to answer his fucking phone. He knew I loved watching The Game with his ass and tonight would be the night Darwin would find out if the kid was his. “Leave a message,” this was my ninth time calling this clown. He never ignored my call and never missed a day without seeing me. Maybe he had to make an important trip out of town. After three hours passing and Q not answering I decided to ride over his house, I let myself in because I had a key to his crib and all five of his vehicles. Everything was in place, the luggage was in the closet and there was no sign of him. Something came over me because I began to snoop. I didn’t love Q in that way so I didn’t understand this feeling, fuck I was just being nosey. I started with his closets, I over looked the safe because I knew its contents and the pass code. I ran my hand over his shirts, picturing him, the boy had so much Polos it was ridiculous. I looked over to Quincy’s dresser a spotted a small blue box. I walked over and saw it was a Tiffany’s ring box. This nigga takes care of all his bitches, I thought. I opened it up and I was pissed to see what the fuck he thought of the next bitch. I tried it on and the bitch fit. I was so shocked I looked in the inside of the band and just as I knew it was inscribed, “ I will always love you Slim, I didn’t understand. I put it back in place and I bounced and decided to wait until he called my cell. Two days had passed since I heard from Quincy. I was awaken by the news broadcaster later that night, “The Yukon was found behind the levee a few minutes ago, there were no signs of the driver, but the truck had numerous amounts of blood in it.  The police are suspecting foul play. " The identity of the owner of the vehicle is   being  witheld until further investigation.” I rubbed my eyes and tried to see if I was dreaming. I didn’t need anyone to tell me because I knew it was Quincy. My body suddenly went numb and I couldn’t get my mind to process anything. I picked up the phone and  called Vonn. I decided not to call Q’s mom, because maybe it wasn’t him. Maybe I was wrong. It took Vonn thirty minutes to get to my crib and It felt like forever. I grabbed the bottle of Hennessey out of the pantry. I called my kids father and asked him to pick them up from school and keep them for a couple of weeks. I poured Vonn a drink and cut hers with some cola, I took mine straight. “Calm down Ayanna damn girl, you don’t even know if its Q. The news didn’t say what color truck or anything……just chill my girl,” before I could speak I found myself crying. Vonn picked up the phone and called Ace, they were really jam tight and he was Quincy’s best friend. It had been four hours since I saw the news and I was still in my pajamas. I decided to get up and throw on some clothes in case the worst was really what had happen, but before I could even get up and make it to the room I saw the tears in Vonn’s eyes. She looked my way and gave me a simple nod and It was like someone cut the my legs from beneath me. My heart felt like someone had snached it out of my chest, the room was spinning and I suddenly felt sick. I barely made it to the bathroom and when I did my head was in the toilet. I walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. “Slim,” I had forgot Vonn was even there, “Ace said they found out an hour ago, he said that it was Quincy’s truck but the body hasnt been found yet.”  Vonn could barely get the words out when she began to cry. “How do they know hes dead?,” “ the cops contacted Ms. Grear when they found his I.D. in the car, she identified all his belongings.” We both were hurt, Quincy had always been like our brother. We sat on the couch and talked about Quincy for hours before deciding to go the see his mom. I was so fucking pissed more than hurt. Who would do that to my boy. Quincy was more than just my friend, fuck I was fucking the nigga and the way I was feeling made me think I really had feeling for him. Shit i can say I think i loved him.   We sat on Ms. Grear couch and watched everyone coming and going. People were crying and it was just a fucking mess. I felt so bad for Ms. Grear, she was a real sweetheart and she adored her boys. Quad walked in and it was like I was seeing a fucking ghost, even though he was 27 and four years younger than Quincy he was a split image of him. He came over and hugged me and Vonn and grabbed my hand and led me to Quincy’s room, I looked around and began to cry silently. “ Did Q tell you he was beefing with someone Slim,” “ No, he never said shit, I thought everything was fine.” “ I went over there and checked through his shit, but I didn’t find nothing, I knew he loved you, this was yours…..I helped him pick it out.” I looked down and saw the same ring that I had seen earlier in Quincy’s room. I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my face and when Quad embraced me I cried harder. It took me and Ms. Grear one day to plan Quincy’s funeral and now the day was finally here. There was so many people that the church was crowded, there were people even outside. We had to put a speaker outside of Zion Baptist Church. I looked around and thought about all the people who loved Quincy and I began to wonder which one of them might of did it. Quincy was loved and hated by the same people. Niggas envied him and bitches were mad he didn’t choose them. I sat next to Ms. Grear, she on my left and Vonn and Quad on my right. Quincy’s dad had died when he was young and was one of the reason Ms. Grear said it didn’t hurt so bad. She said she knew he was in heaven with his father. I looked at Ms. Grear and thought of how strong she had to be.  I looked over to the closed casket and wondered what did the bastards do with my baby body, they must have thrown him in Mississippi, the thought of him laying on the bottom of the rivers floor made me sick to my stomach.  I tried not to look in the direction of the casket, so i drew all my attention on my hands, i couldnt stop the tears from flowing, I was so hurt.   The pastor seemed to preach for hours and the choir made half the church pass out. Returning to the Ms. Grear residence I began to feel weak, all the different people there were making it worst. I never was one for crowds. I looked up and saw a picture of me, Vonna and Quincy standing in front of the stoop in the projects. The picture had been framed by Ms. Grear and it hung on the wall over her fireplace. I had seen it thousands of time, but today it felt like the first time I seen it. I missed Quincy so much, he was my dog and we had been sleeping together for a year and two months before he was murdered. I drove myself home in Q’s 745 and because It was paid for and Quad had his financial shit together he signed it over to me. I laid across my bed and tried to figure things out. I came up with many ideas of what happened to Q. Just as I began to fall asleep I heard a knock at the door. Shit… landlord.

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