Chapter 2 Getting to know him

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Aria's POV

His comment left me speechless. I was in a total shock he just said that I am beautiful and I blushed. I need to get this thing out of my head.

After a while the lift stopped and even the lights were out. What is happening. I looked towards Luke's direction but I knew I won't be able to see a thing. Night blindness.

"Aria" he started "do you have any idea what is happening."

I didn't respond I was moving my head in every direction just to find even a little source of light. But it was useless.

"What are you doing?" was what I heard Luke say to me.

"Trying to find a source of light."

"Oh" was all he said.

After a while I could see something a little bright in Luke's direction.

"What's that?" I asked him.

"My cell phone!" he said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh, but where are your books?"

"On the floor! Didn't you see me keeping them down"

"umm......" I didn't want him to know that i have night blindness"i didn't notice"


Again there was an awkward silence. Then I thought of taking out my handkerchief but accidently my purse fell. Now how am i gonna find it when i can't see. But still i bend down to pick it up. As i moved my hand around the floor i felt i touched someone else's hand. Luke's hand.

"you can't see, can you" he said

I froze "um.... I hate to admit but yes I have night blindness"

"It's okay. It doesn't matter."

I stood up as soon as I felt my purse and Luke did the same.

"I think we are gonna be here for sometime so why don't we get to know about each other" Luke said.

"Okay let me start" he continued"My name is Luke mckenzie as you already know and am a total newbie and also this is my first time in brooklyn and you?"

"Aria Adams. Third year"

"wow. That was a very brief intro. You don't speak much, eh?"


"Tell me something about your parents"

"Well my father is John Adams and my mother is Maria adams. I got my name from my mother's name."


"What about yours, Luke?"

"Mine is sort of boring. I'll tell you next time. So from when do you live in Brooklyn"

"Since forever"


"where were you living before you came here?"

"I was living in england"

"Then what brought you here?"

"There I was studying in a boarding school while my family stayed here i never wanted to live away from my family but had to"


"It was a family tradition that all the male of the mckenzie clan has to study in Mt. Abbey which was started by our fore fathers"

He seemed to come from an aristocratic background. I could say that as he mentioned about clan and family tradition. "How was schooling there?" I couldn't believe myself that I was talking so much but I was very curious.

"It was hectic and annoying as well since I was the only male student"

"What?" I replied with an amuzed look.

"It was kinda awkward for me as well being the only male student against five thousand female student. So tried to finish my high school year as fast as I could on my part."

I simply nodded i was aware that he won't be able to see me but was tired of making conversation.

"So Aria, I told you alot about my self and now its your turn"

"umm.... I was brought up here then I was home schoolled almost all my life then my papa decided that it was time for me to face the real world so three years back I started my formal education."

"You must be very precious to your parents."

"yes i guess so."

For like one hour we were there getting to know each other. I actually learned alot about him like his favorite color was black, he liked dogs and about his siblings he had three sisters and he also told me that he hated chocolates because when he was young his sisters used to recieve alot of chocolates in valentines day. Since his sisters never wanted the chocolates because they were worried about the calories present in them so they would always give Luke all the chocolates. Luke had been real fat in his childhood days and so he ate alot. He also ate all the chocolates his sister gave and he had loose motion for a month and all his teeth had cavities. " I lost a total of 100 pounds during the month and all teeths were removed and i survived only in milk and grinded food. I have hated chocolates since and never ate chocolates after that." he told me.

"Were your sisters sorry?"

"yeah they were but i didn't forgive them easily i made them do all my homework, i also told them to play with me baseball everyday and buy me the toys I wanted for a year. Only after that i forgave them."

Its was really funny and I started laughing my hearts out. He groaned but even he joined me. It was after a long time I had a hearty laugh. Its just the first time we met and hd already has started to have an affect on me. Things are going to turn out to be pretty interesting.

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