Even though I was still clueless as to what he did, I knew better than to mess with him. As he approached us, his steel eyes locking with mine, the man huffed out an angered sigh.

"Purdy, come with me," he ordered, turning his attention to the other man. And Ashley did exactly that. I didn't blame him though; if I was in that situation I would have left my friend and followed Vic as well. However, as the distance between us increased, Ash turned his head to give me an apologetic look, before carrying on into the building and leaving me by myself to face the terrors of jail alone.

I was worried about Ashley. He was the only one who willingly talked to me, even if it was only for a few hours. I wouldn't consider him a friend, just yet, but we were definitely more than strangers and that was enough to make me distressed. You see, I get paranoid quite easily and that is why I constantly need a distraction. That is also why I cried myself to sleep the night before: I simply did not have that distraction. And now, without the strange, gay, feminine, possibly sociopathic man, I once again had nothing to take my mind off my problems.

After a few minutes of hanging myself from a rope called 'self-pity', my eyes snapped to the entrance of the building to see Ashley wearily making his way out. I could not help but notice the frown on his face, so something must have happened while he was with Vic.

As Ashley approached me and came into view, I searched him for any signs of a fight, but found nothing.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, moving over so that Ash could slump down next to me. He carved a smile into his unwilling cheeks and nodded. Obviously he did not want to talk about it, so I wouldn't push him and dropped the subject.

"So are you going to tell me about Vic or not?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh look, it's getting late. I'm going to get going, I have things to do," he rushed out nervously and, before I could process anything, he was already halfway across the courtyard.

Had I said something wrong again?

I was such a failure.

Even though he was obviously lying, Ashley was correct about the fact that free time was running out. In about 15 minutes, was something called 'Work Experience'. I had no idea what to expect, but I did not like the sound of that.


Work Experience was nothing like I had thought it would be. It was all about having a chance for a better future and it was actually extremely helpful. The main idea of it was preparing us for when we got to leave this place. Of course, guys with life sentences didn't even bother showing up, but some of the others enjoyed this.

Before being forced into here, I worked at a music store with my friend, Justin. I mainly focused on CDs and all the technical things, while he managed the instruments. We did pretty well, considering we had the largest majority of products, and Justin also gave bass lessons.

And this was what Work Experience was all about - working towards being able to find a good job in the future. A large amount of the men here just worked out for the four hour period, stating that they wanted to become personal trainers. Others read and wrote, their aspirations revolving around becoming authors. A few of them drew, and I must say that they were quite good, but that wasn't the most popular thing.

However, the career path which received the least attention was the music branch. In the corner of the large room stood a keyboard, which looked broken; two flutes, one of which was snapped in half; an acoustic guitar, which was missing two strings; a nowhere-near-complete drum kit; and a miserable violin with a broken neck. I had never seen something so pathetic in my life.

Even though I knew that this was on his timetable as well, Ashley didn't show up. I had a strange feeling, in my gut, that he was avoiding me. He was so friendly, but all of that changed after his talk with Vic. I wondered what they chatted about and I sincerely hoped it wasn't me.

I sighed, grabbing a notebook, before leaving the room. I guess my only source of entertainment would be my own thoughts.



Hey, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'm incredibly sorry if I ever take a while to update, but I try to keep the chapters as long as humanly possible, without having a mental breakdown. So far both of the chapters have been around 2500 words.

I honestly planned this chapter to go differently and basically had it all finished, when I thought "Is it too soon for this to happen? Yeah, it's too soon." and had to rewrite pretty much half of it.

Also, I apologise for the lack of action in this chapter. I wanted it to be descriptive and reveal the backgrounds of some of the characters and explain the setting. By the way, I did my research about being in jail, but I still have to make some things up because the internet won't tell me everything, so don't take anything said here as a fact.

Thanks for reading!

Murder The Moment [BoyXBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora