Prince Gumball

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Ok before I start I want to say thanks to all the people who are reading my story!!!! Thank You ∩__∩ If u have any Ideas please tell me thanks!!!

On to the story⇨

I sat there holding Prince Gumball I felt the wind blow in my face. Holding him tight. I smiled feeling so happy, not a care in the world. He stopped and helped me to the ground. I smiled as I reach my hand over to grab his. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Ready for what?" I replied. "This" he said bending down holding my waist and kissing me. My eyes were wide open shocked but loving every moment. I pushed him back. "No Gumball" I said in a whisper. "Im not ready."

Suddenly, I hear a loud hiss from behind me. Prince Gumball on his back being attack, but by who? I look in shock, "Marshell STOP" I yelled. "How dare you do that!!! he hissed. "You lied staight to my face you glob!!!!" Marshell yelled at Prince Gumball. Gumball pushed Marshell away, "Ok maybe I did but....but I can't help it!!!"

"STOP" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "What is going on, what have u done" I staired at both of them."Tell me" I asked. "Please". "He lied to me, I thought I could trust you gumball." mashell said. "I....." No! tell me what happened!! "Fine, me and gumbutt here made a bet." marshell said. "And marshell told me that I could spend time with you." Gumball finished. "But I said that he could NOT touch you." Marshell added. "But, here he is Kissing you." marshell said looking at me.

I could see the pain in his eyes. A single tear slipped down his cheek. I reached my hand out and smacked Gumball as hard as I could. Leaving a red mark on his face I ran crying out of PG's castle.

OK so im going to finish but to tell you im going to use PG instead of Prince Gumball. Ok, makes it easier.

To the story we go⇨⇨⇨⇨

I walked home still crying. I opened the fought down of my tree house and walked up the stair to my room.

"You ok baby?" Cake said handing me a tissue. (Ok so if u were wondering the answer is yes. Cake did forgive finona I just forgot to put that in the story.)

"Im fine" I said wiping a tier off my face. "Baby your not ok, your crying" Cake said. "I just don't know what to do" I said. "Cake, can I have some time alone to think."I asked. "Sure" Cake replied. I sat on my bed tiers slipping down my cheek. "Im crying over boys why!!??" I cried out. I looknnnnnnnnnnnn up to tapping on my window. "MARSHELL" I screamed jumping out of my bed. I ran into marshell lee's arms. "Why?" I said hugging him really tight. He looked into my eyes wiping a tier off my face. I staired into his red eyes. "Im so sorry" he said. "Please forgive me." "I forgive u It was not your fault." I replied. "Its gumbutt's fault." A smiled poped up on his face as I used his nickname for Gumball.

I lied their on my bed as marshell held me close to him. He kissed my head as he slowly pulled off my hat. My long blonde hair flowed down my back. I twirled my fingers threw his black hair. "I have to go" I said releasing myself from his loving grasp. "Where are you going fi ?" I smiled as hecalled me fi. "Im going to talk to Gumball." He reached his hand out "no stay fi !" I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "I will be right back." I promise." He slipped out the window and waved goodbye. I waved back and opened my door and left the house. I ran to Prince Gumball's palace. I knocked on the door and was greeted by PG. "Fionna please forgive me." He pleided. "We need to talk PG." I said. Walking to his sofa I patted the seat next to me. "Sit" he looked surprised and sat next to very close. I scooted away, "Listen PG I don't know what to say Im just so confused that u would lie to marshell." "Why do u care fionna do u like him?" he said with a smile. He knew that I liked him and I hated that. "Shut up Gumball I....I" but nothing else was said. "I don't know why u like him fionna." He said. "I am much better." "I.....I" but he hesitated. "Fionna" he reached his hand out and touched my face. "I love you fionna."

The dance (A fiolee fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن