You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }

Start from the beginning

"Don't. You. Dare. Call. Me. That." Bellatrix bellowed at me frighteningly. Then, she shot another crucio curse at me, and both of my parents. I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to stay strong.

"You call your mum and your dad honest? Did they ever tell you that you are adopted? Huh? Huh Ariana?" she asked me bluntly. My eyes widened the moment she said that.

"WHAT?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I'll let your mum and dad explain that to 'ya." she smiled devishly. She then lifted the crucio curse off of all of us and my mum begin to speak.

"Ana, when you were born, your real parents were muggles from London. They already had one baby girl with them, and they told us that they didn't have enough money to care of you both. We were both very good friends with them, and they told us that you should go with us. They knew that we wanted another child, but we couldn't. So they gave you to us. Please do not be mad. We only didn't tell you because we knew you would run away and be found by death eaters because of" my mother told me quickly as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I'm not mad. You love me, and that's good enough for me. Just one thing. Who is my sister?" I asked pleadingly.

"Her name is Her-" my father will never finish that sentence, for at that moment, Bellatrix exclaimed "AVADA KEDAVRA!" and with that, both my parents were gone forever. I screamed and turned around to see that Bellatrix and her goons were already gone. Tear after tear rolled down my face.

                               -----------------------------END OF FLASH BACK-------------------------------------

   The misty memory then returned back to my mind with a loud "whoooosh!". Before I could stop myself, I was sobbing my heart out. It felt as if I would never be happy ever again. No, this was no dementor. This was depression. I rested my head back onto the cold window of my empty compartment. Over those past three weeks, I was living with my 'brother'. My adopted parents' real son, of blood relation. He too was a wizard, and he bought me everything I needed. He was working in Romania, alongside his fellow dragon-tamer, Charlie Weasley. However, I have never met this famous Charlie Weasley before. But considering what happened three weeks ago, my brother, Jake returned home to France and took care of me. I have heard many stories of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from my brother, considering he had attended Hogwarts, and not Beauxbatons. I was too busy thinking about my family and sobbing to realize that someone, or rather two someones had entered my once empty compartment. They were laughing hysterically about some sort of prank they had pulled only a few minutes ago.They were two tall, red-headed boys. Twins I think they were.

"Hahaha!!!! Watch....Hahaha.....when....Hahaha.....Malfoy.....Hahaha......sees.......Hahaha........that!" One of the twins said.

"Hahahaha!!!! I.....Hahaha....Know!!!!! Hahaha!" The other twin, with a deeper voice said. Suddenly, their laughter stopped, when they noticed me in the corner of the compartment sobbing with my legs pulled up so then my head rested on them.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The twin with the higher voice asked my softly. My head turned to face them both. I sniffled several times before I answered. I wiped my eyes as well.

"I-I-I-I.....d-d-don't....wa-wa-want.....t-to......t-talk....ab-about.....i-it." I replied sniffling all the while.

"It's okay, my name is Fred. Fred Weasley by the way." The with the higher voice told me. I wiped my eyes once more and began to regain composure. I put my legs down back to the floor and sat up attempting to fix my glasses.My eyes travelled towards the red-headed twins. MAN, were they cute! My eyes then transfixed onto the eyes of Fred. Caramel brown. My eyes couldn't pull away from them. They were....enchanting.

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }Where stories live. Discover now