vi. lovely mess

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          "Then Fury is not the director of SHIELD..."

          The redhead smiled sideways. "Nick Fury is an agent, who is wanting to become one of the directors. He is our superior."

          "Okay, so I was tricked by an agent to do this?" Avery asked as the Birkin siblings nodded, trying not to laugh. "No need to clarify, idiots."

          "We like to be honest, you know?" Jake replied, leaning forward.

          "Well, well" Violet interrupted the team, attracting the complete attention of the same. "From now on, no more distractions and no more jokes. This is the real game and we must play it carefully."

          "Thank God, you've finally gotten in tune with the whole team," Avery said clapping subtly as his partner sent him a murderous look.

          "Close your beak, Muller," the mercenary muttered, pointing a finger at him. "You have got us into this and you will be the one who will execute the plan. We will help you to achieve it."

          Avery, somehow, was firm and satisfied with the change of sudden attitude of his partner Violet Quinn - although he wondered where it had come from, but he preferred not to ask - and nodded looking at the rest of the team. "As our dear Dominika said before, we will follow a plan and as soon as we have the objective, we will leave before dawn." He took a sip of black coffee and, swallowing it, left it on the table. "Begin to study common patterns in soldiers and commanders. Look for some strategy to evade the first five floors. Violet and I will study Karpov's patterns and the camera where the soldier's book is stored."

          The group nodded and the four crashed their fists. Game on.


32 hours left.

          Violet Quinn rolled over on the cold ground, feeling her body burn - that each limb was deep in misery that threatened to destroy her body in some way. The brunette gave a snarl and rose slowly, her brown eyes focused on the fixed figure of the soldier. His blue orbs, as cold as winter itself, stared at the mercenary who slowly put on a fighting pose. The soldier's eyes then looked at Avery deliberately, as if trying to find out something that was very buried in being - in his own black hole.

          Avery was alert to any movement, noted how the pattern of mobility with the soldiers was and knew that Commander Karpov was in the same place since the psychological training had begun. The three remaining members of the team were seated, hands and ankles tied - without escape and with great efforts not to suffer. They stared at a screen that gave a message, hypnotizing them partially. Each soldier remained silent and staring straight ahead. However, Avery kept a cautious eye on the people around her. Every half hour they selected a cadet to face the weapon that HYDRA had in their hands. It had been five hours since breakfast and that worried the team a lot. Violet was the one who confronted him at that very moment and, Avery fearing for her, no one of the cadets could stop him - of course, at least someone dares and ends up having a broken neck.

          "Dovol'no (Enough)" The commander declared and touched a button. He let out a shrill scream, weakening everyone with a simple sound. Violet fell to the ground and touched her head, feeling that the deafening noise would end up breaking her eardrums. The soldier screamed and covered both ears, falling to his knees next to Violet. Avery tried to move, but something was blocking his way: he was tied to the chair. The noise stopped after about five minutes. Muller swallowed and felt a thin high-pitched sound - indicating that some auditory cells were dying thanks to the impact of the deafening sound.

UNTIL DAWN ━━ Bucky Barnes (English) ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora