As I kissed Rain, I knew I didn't want to stop. I wanted to enjoy his lips, not only that night. I wanted to be with him. But there was an obstacle. I hadn't come out. I didn't want to just spring it on the family. I also couldn't face rejection. I looked tough and played tough, but deep down I yearned for someone to care about me. My uncle did. He had a poisonous wife, but he did care about me. If he rejected me it would crush me.

I knew Rain wasn't happy about being a secret, but I hoped he would hold on.

Later that day I left Rain's house, after having breakfast. I was careful to leave everything the way I had found it. I went back to my uncle's house. Rain had said it was the best thing to do, that I shouldn't let my aunt win.

Rainier's POV

I happened to be the most readable person on earth, especially when I was happy. I smiled to myself and my eyes happened to become a shade lighter. It was easy to discern that I was happy. Everyone noticed at the breakfast table and commented on it. I brushed it off and they didn't prod. One person however, was known for prodding.

We were in the car on our way to school. Julie was driving that morning too. There was still snow, and even though I was in a good mood, it wasn't good enough for me to take risks.

Julie had been driving normally, but suddenly went off the road and parked on the side. I thought maybe she had forgotten something at home or had hit something.

"Okay, out with it!" she said to me.

My eyes widened. "Out with what?"

"You are smiling to yourself".

I shrugged.

"I know you didn't say yes to Sebastian", she said. "...or did you change your mind?" she asked in disbelief.

That just made me smile spontaneously. I closed my eyes and chuckled.

"Rain, you said yes didn't you? What happened to 'missing sparks' and stuff?" she asked.

"I didn't say yes...not to him anyway", I said.

I watched as eyes like mine widened. "If not Sebastian, then who? Someone asked you out?"

"Drive Jules or we are going to be late again", I said.

"I'm not moving an inch until you tell me", she said.

"Ryan", I said quietly. Though I tried to keep a straight face, I eventually broke out into a smile.

"Ryan? Ryan asked you out? Straight-guy-probably-banging-Gina-Ryan?" she asked loudly.

I nodded. "Well he didn't ask me out", I said. I went on to explain everything that happened, including that Ryan slept in my room and that he was probably still at the house.

I expected Julie to tell me I was insane. Although I knew Ryan a lot better, it had only been a month and a couple of weeks. I knew about the weed and his petty crimes, but I didn't know how it got to that point. I expected Julie to tell me leaving him alone at the house was a bad idea, but something in me just trusted him.

Julie grinned from ear to ear. Her irises lightened.

"You really like this guy, don't you?" she asked.

"I like him a lot Jules", I admitted.

"I'm happy for you. He has done...some things, but he seems like a nice dude", she said.

There was some silence as Julie resumed driving.

"How do you feel about him being in the closet?" she asked.

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