Wolfstar (Sirius and Lupin)

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Remus walked down the corridor looking for an empty compartment. There! He finally found one. He opened the door and walked in. He cursed to himself when he saw two other boys sitting. "Sorry, just looking for a place to sit." He mumbled turning as red as the upholstry on the seats. He began to walk out.

"Hey wait! You can sit with us." Said one of the boys. He had short black hair and hazel eyes. "I'm James and this is Sirius." The other one glanced up with a "Hey." and went back to the parchment they were staring at. 

"Thanks." He set his books down and took a seat across from them. They both went back the parchment whispering. With a shrug he opened the top one he had been reading. He began to read but didn't get any further when the door opened and another boy with a green head stormed in glaring at James and Sirius. 

"You!! You did this to me!" After a second of shock James and Sirius began laughing. This only made Mr. Green angrier. Remus chuckled at his own joke. Mr. Green turned towards him. "Do you think this is funny?!" 

In a flash Sirius was up on his feet standing between Remus the Mr. Green. "Leave him alone! He didn't do anything!" With a humph Mr. Green exited the compartment. Remus got a first look at Sirius. He was shocked by how gray his eyes were and the contrast between his brown. "Sorry about that." Remus was taken back at how smooth his voice sounded.

"No problem. A prank you pulled?" Remus asked.


"How?" Remus was mostly raised like a muggle. He knew that Hogwarts existed but after he was bit his father retreated into the muggle world. Becuase of this he was curious of how everything worked. 

"It's just a spell my dad used to paint my room green a few years ago." James spoke up. "I wanted to see if it worked on people. Guess it does." He finished snickering.

"What'cha reading?" Sirius asked nodding towards the books. 

"Oh nothing. Just some muggle books." 

"Muggle born?" He asked.

"No, half-blood. My dad's a wizard."

"Huh. So I guess you're not going to be in Slytherin then?"

"No. Hopefully Gryffindor. You?"

"Not Slytherin. Last thing I need is something else to connect me to my family." Sirius turned to James who had gone back to the parchment. "How about you, James?"

"Gryffindor, I expect, along with my entire family." They were inerrupted by the compartment dor opening. A short boy ran in and hid behind Sirius who was easily the biggest person in the room. "Woah, there little guy. What's got you in a hurry?"

"They're after me." He said as shouts drifted in. "Help!" He squeaked before hiding again. 

The door opened and in walked Mr. Green.


James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were outside doing, well doing what they did. James soon caught sight of Lily and left to go, as the other assumed, kiss her. They sat there doing what they did when Sirius turned to Peter. “Hey Wormtail, you should go get some snacks from the kitchens.” 

“Go get them yourself,” Peter said in a rare show of courage. 

“Wormtail. Leave.” Sirius said, in a menacing voice. “Before I use the curse I used on Snivellus.” 

“Fine.” He said, not wishing to be sent to the hospital wing. 

“Padfoot, you shouldn’t bully him.” Remus reprimanded once Peter had left.

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