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Ariana's pov:

I just woke up in a bed locked up. I guess they moved me but at least there's a window. Why? To hurt me?rape me? Torture me? For once I really really need Justin. Please. Suddenly I heard a bang then my door burst open.

"Well well looks like your awake."
"Why do you want me? What did I do to you!?"
"Oh sweetheart it wasn't you it was the boy! ... Now let's make another video for Justin." He said. Oh no please don't rape me. I thought. He started to record but this time I wasn't crying I was just scared and I felt like I couldn't move. "Now Justin, just Incase you forgot well this is a little reminder" he smirked. This time I could move and that birth better not touch me. He started to take of my shirt off but then I kicked him in the balls. "Bitch you better not do that to me!" He said and then slapped me. Then after the slap he kicked me but then someone I thought I'd never see....

He was part of the plan. He tricked me. He lied. Anger was rising in me but sadness too.

"Jai?"I I said softly but then said "You liar you tricked me I thought it was just for the money I thought you were using me against my enemy not Justin's! I hate you! I fucking hate you!" Then the guy I kicked said "Now Justin, don't miss the show" he smirked then sent the video to Justin.

Justin's pov:

I just got the video. I need to save a team member I mean we are a gang. No man is left behind or in this case woman. I text back
"I don't care shs was never apart of my gang she annoyed the hell out of us."
I came to the place but then went to the back surprisingly there was a window. Nice. 10 minutes passed and soon angry men left the room. I open the window and saw ari there tears forming in her eyes but her eyes were closed I got in and saw there were keys on the other side of the wall. Easy? I quickly unlock all chains and made no noise and put ari through the window then I go through. Wow. They must have something planned. Then I woke ari up and she looked sad and heart-broken.
Then we started running to my car which was 2 blocks away just incase so we got in and I started driving. "Ari are you okay???"

Jeremy's pov:

Where the hell is Justin?! 2 men came back and said "Has he come sir?" "No so why the hell did you leave the room?! Now let's make a video of ari and me. I know he cares for her so..." they stood there in silence "NOW!" I yelled. We started walking to the room and saw that she was gone! I soon started yelling then I shot the roof. My one shot at killing Justin. Ugh! He took her but how? I looked around and saw a window. Of course......

Its been a few days and I am sorry. So im excited for Ariana's new single and November 13 which people say that's when Justin's album comes out. Anyways I love the picture Justin posted on instagram saying 'evil jb' hope you like this chapter

Bang Bang (imma shoot em' down babyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt