Edward's Task: Forest of Deeds Chapter 1

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There were only three and a half weeks left of the summer holiday and, Edward Thompson, was no closer to his goal than when he'd begun.

Life couldn't get any better than standing, knee deep, in salty water in Little Cayman. However, sundown was getting a little too close for comfort. Mister Brick would soon be rounding up the children for their ride back to Cayman Brac. Their flight to Grand Cayman was scheduled for tomorrow.

I hope finding these old keys are worth a whoopin', Edward thought to himself, Mister Brick wouldn't punish them now, for not socializing and participating in the beach activities, but he knew the Head Master's style. He would let them think they were getting away with disobedience until they got back to the orphanage. He couldn't think about that now.

In frustration, he rubbed his hands over his face then through his curly, ginger hair. Malcolm was gone almost ten minutes now, and hopefully, finding his way through that sea cave in the rocks. If he didn't hear the slight, echoing sound of that stupid Justin Bieber song, he would probably be swimming around to check on him by now.

With a sigh, he glanced at where the tents were being dismantled up on the sandy beach, to keep his mind from repeating those same stupid lyrics.

His mind drifted to the first few imaginary sentences he would put in his new high school diary. He could see it clearly;

Dear Diary, it was supposed to be The First Day of The Rest of My Life! Just follow that dream... that wakes you up... night after night, I said. Do it on your own. But Noooo! Invite Malcolm McLaughlin when you get a little stuck. Why ever not? It was so simple;

(a) Smith Cove, in Grand Cayman, for the first key.

(b) Get on the list to visit Cayman Brac for the second one and

(c) Finally, get the Little Cayman one.

But of course it didn't go that way! Today, I start John Gray High School the same fuzzy, ginger haired, Pillsbury dough boy loser with no purpose. No reason beyond being Meghan Forsyth's punching bag. No respect. Good bye talk shows. Goodbye Cayman net News. Hello same old misery...

He shook the negative thoughts from his mind, those dreams seemed so real, the keys must be right where I saw them, thought Edward. He let out a loud, piercing whistle to signal Malcolm to come in.

Two minutes later, and with an equally sounding, "Baby, baby, baby ohhhhhhh!" coming from the cave mouth. Edward spun around with his back towards the sea. With closed eyes and flared nostrils, he breathed in and out unsteadily to himself.

Out loud he ventured, "P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E", when he finally heard Malcolm splashing towards the shore.

He had taken on Malcom McLaughlin to help in the search today, because he was putting on weight and the underwater cave entrances kept getting smaller and smaller. Malcolm was the obvious choice; he was the only other eleven year old nobody at the orphanage. Nobodies probably stuck together in situations like this.

Malcolm was as skinny, as Edward was fat. His eyes were pond muck green and his hair was as blond, and dry, as a chip. His teeth were spaced and yellow and he was apparently absent the day God gave out brains. However, he swam and dove like a fish. Edward knew it wasn't Malcolm's fault that he was so stupid. His parents must have dropped him on his head when he was a baby. If Malcolm could think straight, he would know a rusted, screw driver head from a magical key.

"I telling you, Ed... this is... some kind of... key thing!'' Malcolm panted out shamelessly two minutes later. Edward jerked the rusted and moss covered metal object from Malcolm's hand for a closer look. "Saw one over there at Becky's... Cove yesterday too!'' Malcolm continued still trying to catch his breath from swimming ashore. Edward shook his head slowly in disgust and spoke between clenched teeth.

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