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At Aunt Marianne's request, I made sure I was able to make a couple of pendants for the bookshop amidst being busy with school work and the internship. I was also able to make one for Ms. Amarissa and Aquil. I was in the library lobby working on an almandine pendant while waiting for Lila.

Wherever I go, I've been seeing a lot of cats recently. Cats of all shapes, sizes and colors; but I noticed there was always a white cat among them. I'm not sure if it's the same white cat because they all seem to look the same, if it was, that would be a bit creepy yet cool.

"I can't believe the last copy was a reserved book," Lila said as she plopped down beside me. "I had to have the pages I need photocopied."

"That's a lot," I commented at the thick bundle of papers she was holding. "Do you really need all of that?"

She nodded as she started checking pages. "I just hope the lady didn't miss anything."

"They rarely do especially from that section," I said pertaining to the Social Science section. "I need to look for a sunstone, mind coming with me?"

"Depends," she said. "I can't if it's far away."

"It's not and I'll treat you to some snacks." That lightened up her mood.

The store was located on the street also known as the restaurant street -the street is lined mostly with restaurants and cafes on both sides though there are also a few other businesses- in one of the residential areas near the university. Before I found out about this particular store, I would purchase my crystals and other materials in a kiosk at one of the large malls but it was a bit of a hassle as it was far away and the train -which was the fastest and easiest way to get there-was always packed full recently.

Goddess Blessing, as the store was called was located between a second-hand bookstore and a cupcake cafe. It was run by an eccentric middle aged woman who goes by the name Maeve -as in Maeve the fairy queen. I don't think it's her real name though. She had a lot of esoteric items in the store other than crystals. There were amulets, tarot cards, incense, essential oils, herbs, New Age books and music, even spell books. I think she even does fortune telling. The place was often dimly lit, especially during the day. The source of light was the numerous colorful Turkish lamps hanging on the corners and at the middle of the store. Maeve said she used to light candles in the evenings but stopped when the edge of her scarf caught fire. She still burns incense and oil, though.

The bell on the door rang as we entered the shop. Lila said it looked like the magic shop from a TV show. I laughed in agreement. Maeve was at the counter talking to a customer so Lila and I had a look around. Lila giggled and showed me a love spells book. I smiled and turned to look for a book on crystals. I believe my dad had one but we couldn't find it. I was looking for a book with information I do not know yet, like which are best combined when you want to counter headaches for instance.

As I turned to go check another shelf, my eyes met those of the customer standing by the counter. The lady reminded me of Ms. Amarissa except she was taller. She was wearing a red rider jacket, white shirt, black jeans and boots. With her pale skin, her black hair cascading down her back and those purple eyes, she reminded me of a goddess pretending to be mortal. Maeve's reappearance from the back of her shop made her turn away from me. She took the package Maeve handed her and when she reached the door of the shop she looked back at me, the corners of her mouth turned up in a small smile, she nodded at me and left.

It wasn't until we were walking to the newly opened cafe that served butterbeer, that I realised something. When our eyes met as she left the shop, they were black not purple.

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