I See You In Everything

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It seemed like only minutes later that the exploding and ear deafening cry of the alarm clock rang through the air. It only made me want to recede even more into the chrysalis of blankets I had subconsciously acquired over the night. I rubbed my sleepy crust rimmed eyes and wriggled my head slightly out of the blankets, quickly regretting that decision. Light pierced through the window, making me wince at the pain it brought to my eyes. I forcefully scooted my way over to the ladder that descends to the soul sucking world of social interaction and effort, slowly and quite drowsily maneuvered myself down the slip steps, and left my bed. Goodbye my love... I looked around the room, no sight of Landon. I dragged myself into the bathroom and looked at myself over in the mirror. Tufts of greasy second day hair springing in every which way on top of my head, and sleep deprived eyes stared back at me. I silently stripped myself of all my clothing and stepped into the shower. Let the day commence.

So here I am. College, yes that rather important and fancy sounding place that everyone in class exuberantly raises their hand in middle school in response to when the teacher asks "So, how many of you want to go to college?". I never raised my hand. But hey, here I am. I slip into the classroom and choose a seat that's not quite in the back, not quite the front, but at the same time, not quite in the middle. You know that seat? Yeah, that one. I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes, my head facing up to the ceiling. I wonder what Armin is doing right now... Armin always has a habit of creeping into my mind. It doesn't matter when or where...he's just someone who you see in everything and are constantly reminded of. Groaning, I reached down to my dark brown messenger bag, opening the main compartment and lifted my laptop out. I remember when I first got this magical steel slab of technology. My senior year actually. I had been trying to up save money to buy one, but every time I went out with friends, I kept on finding things that I wanted, especially at that wonderfully terrible store...Hot topic. Fuck yes. But... It definitely kept postponing the purchase of the computer. I opened up my notes from the other day and started a new page, then leaning back, my head pointed up to the ceiling and eyes closed, drowning out all the white noise. I was suddenly interrupted by a light, almost nonexistent, tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes to see a timid looking boy, standing there awkwardly, shifting his feet and slightly biting the corner of his lip. Landon.

"Hey man, what's up?"I said, shifting myself over so I was sitting on the chair backwards, facing him. Never thought Landon would be the one to approach me...huh.

"Um, can I sit next to you?" He said in almost a whisper, like it was a dirty secret that no one else could know of. I didn't want to be rude, but it was pretty amusing. I bit down on my lip, holding down the smile I could feel trying to creep up on my face, and forced a stern frown.

"No." His eyes went wide and his face dropped immediately, and he started to speak in his whisper of a voice again.

"Oh..uh...um...never mind, sorry to trouble you.." He started to turn around, but I grabbed his arm just before he could walk away, letting the big grin I was holding back shine through.

"I was just joking, go ahead, sit down!" I broke down chuckling and his face erupted in a bright shade of pink.

"Thanks..." He mumbled, a tiny, hardly noticeable curve on the edges of his lips. He was pretty cute, but no where near as adorable as my Armin.

"So, what brings you to the mystical and oh so admirable Eren Jaeger, in his complete fabulous and glamorous glory, who just so happens to be your roommate?" I teased, enjoying the reactions that resulted from him. He played with the tip of a stray, bed head hair, another nervous habit I took note of, and looked down.

"Um, then I guess you haven't heard the rumors going around the campus..." He breathed, a note of sadness in his words. Rumors? Wow... I guess gossip is for all ages. And here I figured it was just a thing for the ass wipes that roamed the halls of elementary, middle school, and high school. College grade ass wipes. Huh.

"Uh, prob not. I'm not one for drama and gossip. As cocky and eccentric as I am, I prefer not to talk about other people behind their backs, unless it's only good. Been on the other side of the game, and I have to say, I'm not a huge fan. So...some dick heads made some shit up about you?" He peaked up at me and pushed his glasses up, a look of relief and...happiness, maybe, reflecting in his eyes?

"Uh, well, I guess you could say that, I mean word just got around abo-"


"Gawwwwddd Mister Teacher Man, I was having a pretty important conversation with my good friend Landon and ya gotta interrupt us. Not okay, that's disrespectful. Like, O.M.G. Girl, it was getting good and you just gotta-" I was cut off by an eargasming, and very familiar angelic noise. I turned to find that the source of this beautiful sound was Landon giggling. Holy shit. Okay, okay..haha, okay...this not good. He sounds like Armin. He legit, sounds like my boyfriend who lives all the way in California. What. The. Fuck. I banged my head against the keys, to hide the redness that had begun to spread across my face, earning plenty of weird looks from the people around me. I followed by clearing my throat and beginning to take notes, not daring to look at Landon again. 

A/N: gahhhhh So what you guys think? When I came up with Landon, I really didn't know where I was gonna go with his character. Butttt....Now i got plans..hehehehe XD im so excited. Hope you guys liked the update ^^ have a gr8 day, morning, afternoon, night, etc. Love you all *huggeeeehhhss*

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