"What's so funny?!" she hissed.

"Your seriously going to lie that you have allergies? That's like, the oldest lie every told. My great grandma probably used that one and she could barely talk! It probably was soo old schooll that there should a law that it should-" I was about to finish when she cut me off. Why does she do that??

"Okay I get it! I get it! But you know everyone cries. So shut up." She said turning to leave when I grabbed her elbow.

"Let go! I don't want your nasty hand on me!" She said with a disgusted look.

"Not until you agree to go out with me." I said smirking. She was silent for a moment. And then anger filled her eyes.

"Let.Go.Of.Me." She said with poison in each word. 

"No not until you agree to-"  Before I could finish, She yanked her arm away. Whoa I had a strong grip on her arm. How could she have gotten out? No girl had ever gotten out of my grip. She must be pretty strong.

"Now maybe, If you would have been more of a gentlemen when we met, I might have considered. But I probably wouldn't have, when I think about it. You and your little friend have No chance with me. Never did, and never will. So leave me alone. I don't care if you do show me around but I would like it if you guys stay as far away from me as possible. My dad taught me how to fight people like  you. So I wouldn't try anything." And with that, She left.

I stood there, dumb-founded.


I had spent the rest of my afternoon hanging out at the skate park. I don't skate, I just watch to see how they do all those tricks. I always fell when I got on one of those things. Dustin tried teaching me when we were younger but failed.

As I walked into our house I checked my watch and it said it was about midnight. As I entered I was greeted by a slap upside the head.

"where you been boy?!" My dad said after taking a sip of his beer. I sighed and walked past him. I didn't need this right now.

"Hey! Boy I was talkin' to you!" He said stumbling into the kitchen, where I was now making a PB&J  sandwhich. I took out a butter knife and started spreading the peanut butter on. I had a few other idea's on what to use it for. No I couldn't do that. Yes, he hurt's me but he's still my father.

"Dammit boy! Look at me!" He screamed. I turned and glared at him. My jaw clenched, I try not to yell at him, because that would just make him angrier. 

"Now you listen here! When I am talking to you, you better be listening and respect me! I will not just stand here and be ignored!" He said sloshing his beer onto the carpet as he set it down.

"Dad. I have a name. The last time I remember, you and mom never called me boy. You called me by my Real name. Which is Adam. If you have forgotten." I tried using my most mature voice. I really didn't need to get hurt. I was afraid of him. Yeah, I should be the one bossing my parents around because i'm the 'jerk' as everyone says. But if they knew my dad. Well they would think otherwise. 

"Do not talk about your mother like that!" He said. 

"What?! I never said anything bad about her! Your the one who had been beating her and me, You need to stop drinking!" I said raising my voice a little louder.

"Look dad...I'm not the perfect child you always wanted. I don't have good grades, I'm not the captain on any team. I know you always had a dream for me to be the best I can be. But I just can't take it anymore. It's eating me alive. So just get over whatever problem you have. Mom was the best thing that happened to you. So I didn't see why you would ever hurt her." I said with a hiss.

He grunted and stepped foward. I stepped back. We stared at eachother for about a minute or two, before he whispered,

"But I.." He said. But paused so he could look at my facial expression, and smile. He was enjoying this. He was a sick man, and I knew what he was about to say. 

"Don't even finish that sentence." I warned. He leaned closer to where his lips were by my ear and I could feel his sick breath on my neck. 

"But I wasn't the one who-" Then I snapped.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" I yelled and pushed him as hard as I could and he fell and hit the table. I ran out of the room, covering my ears, not wanting to hear those words come out his mouth.  I didn't stay to clean up the mess nor, see what he would do. I ran up to my room and locked the door. 

And that's when the tear's started to come.


Did you like it?!?  D: I hope so. I put a lotta effort into this chapter :P Yes it is a cliff hanger. Do not expect to know what his dad was going to say, because it won't be coming up in the next couple of chapters.....maybe. I havn't decided yet:P 

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