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Up Above Is Who I Picked To Be London. What She Has On Is Also What She's Wearing To Her Fathers Club. Just saying I think This Is A More Short Chapter But I Will Try Hard To Make The Next One More Long.

Thank You And Enjoy



Like usual, it was slightly chilly in the Chicago air and i inhaled a deep breathe once i finally made it outside the extremely packed airport.

After reading the note, I scurried my ass up and into my room, back a small tote bag filled with not even a week worth of clothes, and hauled my ass out my apartment and to the airport.

I didn't care that the ticket cost 300 dollars from my little 900 paycheck, nor did i care that i was most likely not gonna have a job when i came back. The only thing on my mind was how anyone associated with my father would even be able to find me, or better yet how they even knew who I was.

It spooked me to the fullest. Knowing that someone knew where i living, and better yet which door. They knew who i was and they knew who my father was. My own damn father hadn't even had a clue on where i was just a man who most likely had a deal go wrong did.

Shit just wasn't right.

Blinking back into reality, I smiled slightly. Even if i would be broke, I'm still gonna ride around town in my dream car while i can. After signing papers and swiping my card, i quickly walked onto the lot and toward the luxury cars.

And their say my dream baby, The 2015 Audi R8. A squeak left my lips as i hurridly slid in. Next stop, the club.


The bass rocked the whole building and after finally getting in I already wanted out. In this little time i thought back on if i should have just stayed home, but then i know that coming here was the right thing.

After driving off, all I did was pull over when I got near the club, my fathers club to be exact, slipped on a simple black and white striped dress, changed my flat for some pumps, brushed my hair and did my makeup while driving, like how most females already do.

If i'm going to the club, i can't walk in like i just rolled out of bed, can I.

Sweaty bodies bumped into me from every angle and a groan left my lips as I shoved my way through the dance floor and to the steps, walking up slowly.

Everything was just as it had been six years ago. Maybe A little bit of redecorating, but with how long i've been gone that wasn't nothing new to expect.

Turning down the well familiar hall, my legs climbed another set of steps that went to a black door, or as i used to call it, the guard. the only way you could get in was your handprint, and sighing softly i hoped that mine would still be in the system.

not even noticing until the steel opened, i slipped in quietly and almost coughed a fit at the hard smell of cigars. Fanning my face, my pace quicked hearing laugher and i took a sharp right...

Landing right into a room full of men, One of them being my father.. And the other being Mr.Collins.

Guns raised and my eyes rolled on their own as I cleared my throat softly, looking my father straight in the eyes, something only i would do.

" Hi Pops.. Long time no see.." were the only words that could leave my mouth, as his cigar fell right out of his.

This shall be interesting.


You can finally see who I've picked to be London. Her name Is Miracle Watts if you would like to look up more pictures. Hope you Enjoyed. 

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