Chapter 17

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Tyson and Jada (Ciara)

Tamar Braxtons- Angel & Demons (Above- I LOVE THIS SONG AND THE MUSIC VIDEO IS PERF)

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Not edited.

I still can't believe that I made that suggestion. Burying my dad alive sounds crazy but now it's all that we got. Kat has been making calls like crazy to our other siblings that we can get a hold. Seraphina has gone back into the hiding but we are going out to meet with Jada.

Jada is my half sister, of course. It's a shame that I don't have no other full siblings, everybody else is half. One half from my mum's side and like billions from my dad's.

Anways, Jada was daddy's little princess. They had the best bond and he rarely ever hit her. My father never touched any of us sexually but he would beat us until we passed out. Jada always got light punishments like a smack on the face.

The rest of us got punches as well as having beer cans, glass and just everything thrown at us. We'd have to stand infront of the "Punishment" wall. We weren't allowed to move because he would either beat us even harder or he would beat another sibling infront of us.

I won't lie but we have had two siblings die at the hand of my father. Now it's three.

I've never really liked Jada. Everytime we got beat, she would always be sitting besides my father. She would never help or look worried. She watched us and I resent her for that.

I don't know why we're even meeting her. She's such a brat and I don't even see her as a sister.

"Yo Ti, you ready?" I look up at Kat before giving her a fake smile. I nod and we head out. Vince was nice enought to buy Kat a car. A really nice one too.

Kat and I are over the whole fight that we had a couple of days ago. Seraphina won't make herself known to my mum so she stays wherever.

I love my family and I don't want us getting hurt again. I'm 17 but I feel like my whole life has just passed by. Getting abused is heart breaking to talk about. You can almost feel the beatings as you speak about it.

I may sound crazy but I still love my father. Almost half of my life I was verbally and physically abused by my father but I'm happy now knowing that I'm back with my mum.

Being all the way in England, for almost TEN YEARS away from my mother is real hard. Getting to America was hard for me, so how the hell did the others make it out.

"Kat, how did you get to the US?" Kat gives me a quick glance before looking back at the front. She does a left turn before taking a deep breath.

"Once Sera was taken away from m-- from us. It was the worst, I needed to be with my twin." I smile sadly. "Then you disappeared, some guy popped out of nowhere and gave me an offer. He asked me to become a model for him, I said yeah and he brang me here. The first chance I got to leave, I took it. I left him and I went to stay at the Island with a few friends."

We stay silent for the rest of journey. We listened to my mum's new single "Angels & Demons" and "Catfish" which are hella good. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT!


Once Kat parks at some cafe, I get out. This better be worth it, the drive was almost two hours long.

Kat laughs before walking in first.

"KAT! TIANNA! OVER HERE!" I roll my eyes at Seraphina, talk about wearing our names out. Kat gives me a look before leading us to the table where we both greet Sera. We take our seats and I give the girl next to her a quick glance.

"Jada." I say before looking down at the menu.

"Tianna." She scoffs. "Shouldn't you be with father?"

I narrow my eyes at her, "Shouldn't you be dead?" I pretend to sip tea while Kat bursts out laughing.

"Shots fired." Kat says before letting out a giggle. "Ain't you gonna greet me, witch- I mean bitch." Kat despises Jada.

"Fuck you." Jada says before sliding her sunglasess back down to her eyes. "So, why did you idiots call me here for?"

I give Sera a look.

"Firstly, watch how you talk to my twin. Secondly, how is father?" Kat and I pull a face.

Jada laughs before smoothing down her edges. "I just came back from a rather interesting breakfast with him." She takes out her iPhone 6+ and taps it a few times. She turns her phone to face us. It was a picture of the both of them. (Picture above)

They were both smiling into the camera, Jada looks really happy there. She ain't going to help us.

I nudge Kat, motioning for us to leave.

"Sera, let's go. This is a waste of our time." Kat whispers to Sera.

"Leave but we haven't ate yet. I am feeling quite starved." Jada says while putting her phone away. She then leans forward giving us a hollywood smile.

Kat and Sera exchange a few looks. What is this? Twin telephay.

Where's the sister telephay at?

I force a smile onto my face while turning to face Jada. "Ja, did you know Brad is dead?"

She lets out a rather cheerful laugh which disgusts me. "I know. Daddy informed me this morning. Quite sad. Brad was always trouble."

I glare at her, "What are you talking about?"

"Brad was always a nuisance. It was expected." I didn't even see that punch coming. It didn't hit me but seeing Jada sprawled on the floor was quite a sight. Someone dressed in designer clothes laying on the floor.

I turn to face Kat who is seething. She kicks the seat out of the way before getting on top of Jada.

"HE WAS OUR BROTHER! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" She raises her fist whilst awaiting for a response.

Jada grins, "He was my brother. MY BROTHER! WE shared the same mom and dad. His dead now, it is what it is." Kat lets her fist connect with Jada's face. I wince at the connection but seeing Jada's mouth spray blood, I didn't care for that.

I look around the cafe and I find it quite strange. Since we got here, there has been no customers or servers.  We were the only ones here.

I look around only to see that Sera is not there. WTF!

"KAT! SERA IS GONE!" Kat jumps off of Jada.

"SERAPHINA!" She shouts before running around trying to find her. I go to follow her only to find myself dropping to the floor.

While on the floor I look around to see Sera laying on the floor knocked out. I gasp before trying to get up. I feel something or someone push me back down.

"GET OFF ME!" I scream before letting out a string of profanties, just when I see Kat come back into view something connects with the back of my head.

Darkness fell upon me.

Darkness fell but not before I felt the slime run down the back of my head, not before I heard that famililar chuckle.

The chuckle that belonged to my father.

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now