Chapter 16

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We're back in LA and everyone has gone off to work while I'm stuck here with Kat. I love her but she's driving me insane. All she talks about is murdering our father and it's tearing me to pieces.

"Tianna, are you even listening?" I roll my eyes at Kat.

"What's the point? You want us to kill someone. Do you know crazy that sounds or what could happen to us?" She glares at me and I couldn't give a damn. "He may have done us wrong but murder is not the answer. Whose to even say that others want to participate in this?"

Kat stays silent for a minute before kissing her teeth and sitting next to me. "I have spoken to some of them."

What th-- "How d-" Kat covers my mouth before continuing.

"I couldn't get ahold of everybody but I spoke to at least 7 of them and they are all in." I shake my head and pull her hands of me.

"You're going to get us all killed!" I snarled at her as I said this.

"We're already dead." I get up and head upstairs to my bedroom. I jump onto my bed and quickly get under the covers.

I groan as I feel Kat getting inside the covers.

"I can't find her, anywhere. The person I want to find the most, is nowhere to be seen." I stay silent. "My own twin could be dead and I don't even know."

I bite my lips to stop myself from saying anything.

"Brad is... Dead." With that we both burst into tears, "Dad will kill us all if we don't get him first."

"Stop it, Kat!"

"He'll torture EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US UNTIL WE BEG FOR DEATH!" I hit her arm.

"KAT SHUT UP!" She gets on top of me and straddles me while pinning both my arms above my head.

"He'll kill me then he'll get you. Let's not forget Mitchell, Jada, Da-"

I scream at her while trying to get out of her grip.m

"Hey, did you know that DAD has a daughter that is 7 years old and possibly another baby on the way?" The tears continuously pour down my face.

"Why are you doing this?!" I scream at Kat.

She completely ignores me and carries on, "Maybe they get regular beatings. Maybe his going to kill them after he kills us." She gives me a sinister grin before she continues to babble on, I've finally had enough.

"SHE'S ALIVE!" I watch as Kat's face turns into one of confusion and anger. "Sera is alive."

Kat's loosens her grip, "My twin?"

I nod at her.

Kat's hands move from my wrists to my neck. She slightly squeezes my neck, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I dunno maybe cause you want us to kill our dad, that's practically suicide. If I'm honest, I have been trying to get in contact with my siblings so that they aware of what is going on. Nobody else needs to die.

"She wanted to surprise you." Lies I tell!

Kat's hands tighten so I decide to dive in. I head-butt her, which is EXTREMELY painfully. I don't recommend it. She falls to the side and I quickly jump and try to run out of the room.

"Bitch!" Kat seethes before tackling me to the ground. She gets on top and starts laying in a few punches before settling her hands against my neck. I grab her face before pushing down on her eyes which causes her to scream and let go.

I grab a pair of gladiators, I grab it by the straps before swinging it around letting the shoe sandal bit hit her across the face.

Before she can even charge at me somebody walks in and pushes us down. We are laid next to each other with somebody on top of us.  I start freaking out.

Who else is in my house?

"Now now." The voice sounds familiar. "Why is my favourite sister and my twin fighting?" I stop struggling. I turn my head to face Kat as we both stare at each other in shock.

Kat rolls out from underneath the person before saying in monotone, "Seraphina."

I hear the laugh that used to brighten my day. "Katerina."

Seraphina gets off me and picks me up before pulling me in for a hug. "My baby sis TIANA! Look at you, so gorgeous." I hug her back for a sec and then she sets me down.

I'm surprised, like is this real life?

I finally look at Seraphina only to see her embracing her twin. They hug before putting their foreheads together. I swear they can communicate in their minds through that because they always end up smiling at the same time with their eyes closed.

Blonde! Seraphina is a... blonde now. Her and Tamar would definitely get on.

Sera pulls away from Kat and takes a seat on my bed. "I heard about your plan, Katerina."

Kat looks up at her hopefully, "You agree, right?"

Sera purses her lips at her before shaking her head, "Really? Are you crazy or are you gone straight outta your mind. We are not killing him. Period!"

Kat bites her lip, "But Ser, his going to kill us."

"So, you want to kill him?" Sera narrows her eyes at Kat. "NO! Hell no. We hide or we do something but we will NOT kill him. That won't make us any better than him."

Tears fill Kat's eyes, "He killed Brad. Our Brad."

Sera closes her eyes, takes a deep breath before re-opening them. "I know. I found his body." She puts her head in her hands and I could hear a few noises coming out her mouth.

I walk over to her before pulling her in for a hug.

"I don't want to talk about it now but after I saw him. I-I... I prayed for his soul to find peace and I prayed that he didn't suffer. He was tortued so badly. I-I- I couldn't even..."

This really gets me thinking. As Sera cries in my arms and Kat keeps clenching her fist, Is it worth it? Is our life going to doomed to pain and deaths.

Should we kill him?

The next things that came out my mouth were unexpected. I didn't even register what I had said until I saw the twin both stare at me in shock.

Kat's shock didn't last as it soon turned into a smirk while Sera's still remained the same.

"Let's bury him, alive."


The Blonde Katerina Graham plays Seraphina.

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Not edited.

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora