Zayn's P.O.V

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*Zayn’s P.O.V*

I was walking down the street because it was such a beautiful day and I love nature, but suddenly something came running into my chest. It hit me so hard I stumbled backward. After I regained my balance I looked down to see what had hit me, it was the most beautiful girl I had seen. She had midnight black hair and she was lying on the ground passed out. After a couple of seconds a blond boy ran around the corner, he laid his eyes on her and started to move towards her. I raced to her, and practically growled. He smiled but it never reached his eyes,

“Move pretty boy.” He said

“No.” I answered

“This is none of your concern.” He said as he pulled out a knife

 “Y…Yes, it is. You are trying to harm her, I cannot let that happen.”

“Either you walk away willingly or I force you to walk away, and you won’t walk away with all of your limbs.”

“Well, I guess you’re gonna have to force me.”

                He lunged toward me with the knife aimed for my chest, I dove to the left; the knife grazing my chest. I felt a warm liquid down my chest, when I looked down I saw a long scratch with a steady stream of blood coming from it. I looked up and started to walk towards him, he tried to stab at my face but I dodged and punched him in the face.  I heard a crack and instantly knew that I broke his jaw, and his mouth was bleeding. He spit blood in my face,

“Nice punch pretty boy,” he snarled “But you’ll have to do better.”

                I lunged at him and knocked him over, the knife flew out of his hand and on the sidewalk. I pinned him down and started to punch him in the chest, neck, ribs, face, and stomach. Then people in black came running around the corner and pried me off of him, I was struggling against them until I saw someone snap handcuff’s on him. When I calmed down they let me go, I ran to the girl and kneeled next to her. I placed her head in my lap and pushed stray pieces of hair out of her face. Then someone cleared their throat behind me, I turned around to see a boy about the same age as me with dirty blonde hair with green eyes. He looked at her with sadness then at me with no emotion at all,

“She’ll have to come with us.” He said

                I held her tighter, I know I don’t know her but I still felt something towards her. I couldn’t just let her go, anyway how do I know they aren’t going to hurt her.

“She’ll be fine,” then he sighed “I guess you can come with.”

                Then he walked off and I reluctantly let the people pick her up and carry her off as I followed close behind, as I got in the car I felt something pierce my neck. I turned around to see the boy with a needle in my neck,

“Sorry, but you can’t know where we’re going. Protocols.” He smirked

                Then everything went black.


Sorry it's short (Not that anyone's reading, but for future references), I'll try to make it longer next time. Ummmmmmmm, ya thanks for reading and comment me if you have ideas for my story. Also I may be posting another story idk if I should would ya'll be kind and give me your opinion please and thank you. -Kayleigh

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