The Last Smith [Short Story]

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Once upon a time in a small town of Kellinowana a young boy named Harry was playing skipping stones with his only friend Will, Will was about 4 foot 8 he had brown hair brown eyes but was very skinny for his age, he was not very wealthy but had enough to buy a loaf of bread every day before school as his breakfast. Harry was coming home from school one day when he saw a man in a black mask coming out of the bank with a hand gun, he ran over to Harry and shot him in the leg and ran into a car, Harry got a good look at the number plate it was 564772-079 Harry was on the floor when the police had arrived, they picked Harry up and took him to the Hospital to get the bullet taken out of his leg, when Harry left the Hospital his mum came to greet him, he  asked his mum “Where’s dad?” his mum replied “I didn’t want you to find out but………… he’s dead” Harry could not speak he was so sad, he then ran away to his tree house that his dad built for him, Harry’s mum had already started dating again he said she was a cruel bitch who can rot in hell but his mother just said it was best for the family, Harry just left the room.

It had been 4 years since Harry’s dads death and Harry had turned 17  and had just passed his drivers licence, Harry bought a Porche Carrera his mum had just got married to a very rich and wealthy man who thought the world of Harry and Harry liked him to. When the police found out that  a group of hooded people had robbed a bank then spray painted around it saying we’ll be back on the walls, the police started checking the whole city for the gang but they could not find them until Harry walked into the abandoned cargo shipment house, after 4 minutes the hooded gang came in with crates of money, Harry got his phone out and called the cops. But the hooded gang seen Harry and chased him onto the roof then pulled out hand guns and started shooting at Harry, by the time the cops came Harry had killed the hooded gang and had been shot four times in the torso and was dieing but the police managed to get him to the hospital and get the bullets out with four seconds until he would have died. When he arrived at his mother’s house he found her and his step father lying dead on the floor, Harry couldn’t believe his eyes why was life being so cruel to him, then he found a note nailed to his mothers head, and it said your parents were just the first part of my plan…… your next unless you bring me ten million dollars or you can say goodbye life and hello to death. Harry knew that he could not do anything to stop this, his step father   only had seven million dollars he would need another three million dollars Harry called his friend Will to come to help find the murdering villain, it took them three weeks to track him down they went to his hide out with the police, Will told the police to wait outside then they brought the S.W.A.T team in, Harry told Will to follow him in the middle with himself.

When Harry and Will got into the middle of the S.W.A.T team they were given hand guns and started breaking into the secret base. The team got into the main room but when they saw thousands of soldiers firing at them it was then that the whole team sprung into action. Harry shot the two bodyguards that were protecting the murderer, once they were eliminated from the battle the killer shot Harry in the shoulder, when Harry turned around he seen that Will had been shot several times in the face and the torso and was now lying dead on the floor tears fading from his face, Harry began to cry he could not believe all of his family and friends were being taken from him. Harry turned again to the Murdering scumbag then pulled out a shotgun and fired it right into the killer’s head, Harry saw that the killer’s head had blew up into a million pieces. Harry’s battle was far from over yet, there was another enemy that was lurking in the shadows of Harry’s life.

It had been four years since the accident, Harry had never got over it, he was the loneliest person alive but Harry had found a woman who was just like him, lonely but had never had her parents murdered or anything like that just no one to love her. Harry had married the woman he met two months ago, but in Harry’s life there is always a killer who stops him from being happy, this time Harry’s old teacher Dr. Dastardlloyd has disappeared for a while now, and Harry has got more nervous than he has ever been, and now he has heard that a new villain is lurking in the midst. One day Harry came home from work and saw his love hung from the ceiling with her blood on the wall saying I’ll be back! In big red blood written letters. Harry felt the worst chill he had ever felt crawl from his neck all the way down his spine until he snapped he shot all the police in his town and then he killed every suspect who could have been doing this pain to him, but all except Dr. Dastarlloyd who then made his next move on Harry Smith, while Harry was at work his new enemy was making plans on Harry’s house, when Harry went home he found that there was a note tied to his dog’s head it said I know where you live so make sure you sleep with one eye open. 

Harry's life had gone from terrible to absolute shit, his family was dead, his friends were dead and now his dog was dead. Harry wanted to meet people so that he could have someone to talk to about his problems, unfortunately whenever Harry meets any living thing, they die, it's as if someone is out there trying to wreck Harry's life. 

After all the years of pain that Harry had to endure, he had finally found a way that he could make himself happy, he was going to track down and kill the man who made him the miserable piece of shit that he is today. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2011 ⏰

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