7 Minutes in Heaven

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Jazz: Well that was weird, but the dude was cute.

Me: Yea it was and I think I saw some other people in the distence after that man came to us.

Jazz: Oh well were here.

Me: Finally, we've been walking forever.

~~~~~~~~~~~~walks in front door to see mom standing there~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jazz: Hey mom. What are you doing there, and can we have pizza for dinner?

Mom: Where were you were supost to be here 15 mintes ago, and no Y'all can eat leftovers.

Me: Well see we were going down this ally and a man stopped us and wanted us to go with him, but we said no and he wouldn't take that for an answer then this other dude came out of no where and saved us.

Mom: Okay yea sure, Are yah sure yah weren't smokin weed or fuckin with some guys. You little sluts.

Jazz & Me: No! We weren't. UGGGGGGGG!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Runs to bedroom and slams door~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me: Why don't she ever belive us Jazz?

Jazz: I don't know, but shes being more bitchy than normal......... I think she's on her period.

Me: No she had her period last week.

Jazz: Oh, well I don't know then.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lance comes thought Window~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lance: Hey Sexy!

Jazz: Why are you here Styles?

Lance: Because I wanted to see the most Beautiful girl in the world.

Me: Hahaha that funny, I don't know what you mean by beautiful cuz I'm not Beautiful.

Me: (being weird) And clearly I have a dick.

Jazz: Hahaha, Abbi Your weird but yah we have dicks now.

Lance: Lol. How does that even work.

Me: Well see we found these pills so we took them and then just over night we grew dicks....... Imma 10'' and Jazz is 10'' and a haft.

Lance & Jazz: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Lance: I'm glad I have y'all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mikey comes though the window~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                   Mikey is Jazz's Boyfriend and Lance is Abbi's

Mikey: Hey Babe.

Jazz: Hey.

Mikey: Hey Abbi, Lance.

Me & Lance: Hey Mikey.

Jazz: Hey Babe we have dicks now.

Mikey: Okay? :)

Lance: Hey do y'all wanna play 7 minutes in heaven?

Mikey, Jazz, & Me: Sure!

Mikey: Okay so whos going to be first?

Lance: You and Jazz.

(Mikey & Jazz go into closet)

Me:(goes to closet door opens in and whispers) no babies.

Jazz: Haha so funny.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile in the bedroom with Abbi & Lance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lance: So what should we do While there in the closet babe?

Me: Ummmmmmm.......... I don't know. We can do whatever.

Lance: Okay I've got a question.

Me: Yea babe what is it?

Lance: Would you let me pop your cherry?

Me: Ummmmmm. Yea I mean not right now but later yah.

(Lance & Abbi start to kiss Then mom walks in)

Mom: What the hell are you doing? Bitch (slaps abbi across the face) And where the fuck is your sister?

Me: IIIIIIIInnnnn the cllllllllloooset.

Mom:(Walks over to closet opens door and sees Mikey and Jazz Naked togetter and blood all over the ground)

*Comment if you think I should write more*

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