Midnight star

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Juvias POV
Juvia was drying her hair when she looked out the window. There was something white falling from the sky. Something Juvia has never seen before. She quickly got dressed and rushed out of the room and down the stairs.

"Juvia didn't say that you lier!" She heard Lyon-chan state.

"Yes she did. Why can't you except that she doesn't want you" Gray shouted back. He not iced Juvia run passed him and he yelled out after her. As Juvia made it outside it got colder. What seemed to be little balls of white flakes falling from the sky was cold to the touch.

"Snow" Gray-sama said from behind.

"Uh G-gray-sama. You scared Juvia" she said with a smile.

Grays POV
She stood there, collecting snow in her hair. She looked beautiful. She stared up into the sky, and watched the snow fall ever so slowly.

"Juvia hasn't seen snow before" she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Come on" I grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the path way.

"Where is Gray-sama taking Juvia?" She asked shyly.

"Wait till we get there" I replied dragging her behind me so she doesn't see my blush.

Juvias POV
Gray-sama dragged me to the river bank and he sat on the steps urging for me to sit with him. We sat for a while watching the snow silently fall from the dark clouds in the sky when I jumped at the sudden lound noise.

"That was the clock in town hall. It makes that noise when it strikes midnight" he asked as he stood up.

"Come on we should leave" he said with a blunt stare. To Juvia he seemed scared. Like the snow was cased with bad me memories that won't let him go.  Juvia decided to not take his hand but she pulled him down instead.

"Well you only need the light when it's burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow, only now you love her when you let her go" I started to sing to ease his tension.

Grays POV
Her singing was so gentle and yet powerful. It had me in a sort of trance that I didn't want to escape. Her singing even blocked out the noise of the neighbour hood kids having a snowball fight. The sweet melody edge me to stare at her face. Her gentle eyes and soft skin staring into the sky.

"Heads" a little boy yelled making her turn to my direction. A snowball flew into the back of my head causing our lips to lock and for me to be leaning over her.

"Uh... S-sorry" was all I could manage to say as we both hurried to escape the forced kiss. We say there staring into each others eyes. Both of our cheeks were covered by a blanket of scarlet as I looked down and realised our hands touching. I gently lifted my hand to allow her to move hers but instead of pulling away quickly she moved it slowly to rest on my right cheek.

"G-gray-sama" she mumbled under her breath as she stared into my eyes.

"Y-yes?" I gulped my words down. A gentle force of snow hit my face as she stood up and started walking a acting all innocent. I wiped the snow off my face and looked at her.

"Your it Juvia believes" she said as I stood up.

"You better start running" I said as I started to make a snow ball. She squealed and started to ran as I chased her around. She kept looking back and smiling at me. She's so beautiful. Her being here just makes my heart race. Ugh what am I thinking. I can't fall for someone like this, can I?

Accidentally in love (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora