Blurry spots come to focus on angel. No. It's can be. But he so perfectly grafted , that he must be from the gods. Beautiful oceanic eyes pierce into mine, perfectly heart shaped lips rest into a straight line and dark golden locks twist and turn all over his head.

"Party." Small gruff mumbles manage to make their way out of me. Usually, my body is more equipped to handle my party going nights. But to my surprise the hangover is taking its toll on me and preventing me from pulling some moves on the Greek God before me.  "Bet it was fun...You're starting to stink, lad." His perfectly sculpted hand raises to his nose as a shield. On the wonders that he could do with hands like that.

My erotic thoughts are pull to a halt when he snaps his finger to gain back my attention. "Follow me,will you." The last couple of words come out more as a demand than a question. If I was sober enough I would have said a smart ass comment, but considering me current situation. I decide against it. Plus that accent of his makes up for it and he is easily forgiven. My ego does get the best of me and I completely disregard his friendly hand spread out toward me. Mentally I scold my self as realization hits me that I missed my chance to lace my fingers with his long and slender ones.

Once I'm up to my feet and stretched out to my normal 5'8" , he does not wait any time to strut over to who knows where. Quickly and with quite some struggle my steps follow behind a few paces back. Dude, really needs to slow down. Hangovers weren't made for walking. Come to think of it ....I wasn't made for walking. Never been the physical type.

My eyes flicker to check out him from behind. I'm happy to find a nice perky butt that I can't wait to get ahold of. My gaze darts to the way his back muscles retract under his thin white v-neck. Oh how I would give anything to run my fingers down into each and every outline. Maybe even leave a couple of scratches,marks here and there.
Taking his feature from head to toe is when it hits me that he is actually taller than I first thought. What an attractive height. What is he...5'10...5'11"?

As my imagination continues to go wild , it becomes so distracting that his sudden halt goes unnoticed and i smack into his back. Turning on his heels until he is face to fave to me. Whoa. Those lips of his are extremely pink. Probably the most beautiful shade of pink that my eyes have witnessed. They look so ........delicious and I'm suddenly hungry for them. But what doesn't go unnoticed are those oceanic eyes that seem to flicker back and forth between an emerald and a deep turquoise. This combination of eyes and lips mixed with his lightly freckled skin is breathtaking.

"Mate?" One of the long fingered hands wave in front of me bring me out of my thoughts. "I carry a few shirt for just in case. So have your pick. Yeah?" The previous hand stretches out to the opened back of his navy jeep. Must have been to consumed with my heated thoughts that I barely noticed we stopped in front of -what I assume- is his truck.

Several other plain white v necks are scrunched up in the trunk. For a moment, a laugh wants to escape me at the fact that he asked me to pick from an abundance of white shirts only. Instantly my finger takes a liking to the soft and smooth material. Without a thought I begin to attempt to rip my piss stained band shirt. "So, never got your name?" My shirt gets stuck over my head and it takes a few more tugs before my shirt finds its place on the grass.

My eyebrows for row together when I notice how fidgety he has become. I've been told that my body is 'work of art' from other guys who really just want to get into bed with me. I never replied with anything else except pushing them up agains the wall. Their tries to compliment never interested me. But for a moment my cheeks begin to burn. With quick thinking my body turns away as the white material is slipped over my head covering my tatted torso. "The name is Harry." My body tingles at the huskiness in his voice.

Just as I am about to charm my way into his pants something decides to rudely interrupt me. "Styles! Get you ass in here!!!!" Some other manly voice screeches from God knows where. It comes to my attention that its source is the two story house a few feet I'm clearly out of it. Barely noticed the houses and the neighborhood.

"Aye, I'm going to go." Not spending much time listening my as quickly scan for what else I'm oblivious in this neighborhood. My eyes fix on my car parked in the grass at the near corner. "See you around, yeah?" I'm guessing he sees what I'm staring at. " that's yours?" Pure awe coats every letter as he admires my latest luxury car. "Lad, that beautiful." Before I can fully understand what he is doing he is already halfway to my ride. My feet take bigger steps to catch up with his pace. When he gets there he makes a full round around my car completely impressed.

After his round he take a step back to take in the beauty one more time and a smirk floods his angel like features. Damn. Even his smile alone is pure heaven. Already wanting to escape my body takes it place in the driver seat.Luckily the window was already rolled down so I don't have to fidget with the keys. He looks at me in admiration through the window. Those heart shaped lips part so perfectly and I believe he will say something.  

Suddenly there is that hollering again and he just shut his mouth again. For an instant disappointment washes over him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed too. "But really thanks for the shirt." His short nod is my cue to roll the window up  and stroll onto the road. While he is waving me off I get distracted and almost hit a tree. My tires make a piercing sound that only angers my already growing headache. With no radio on at the moment I am able to hear his sweet chuckles before he struts back to the house.

I don't attempt to stop myself when my eyes linger on his perky ass while he takes each step.

Damn. I'm definitely gonna find a way to see
that ass again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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