dear oliver

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dear oliver

i'm going to let you know that there is positively and absolutely nothing wrong with me. nada. zilch. zero.

and now i'm going to tell you that i've never written a real letter before. of course there was all that 'friendly-letter' crap we all had to go through in elementary school and up, but did we ever write them in our free time? i didn't.

by the time you've read this far, you'll probably wonder why the hell i'm writing to you. to be honest, i don't really know either. my psychiatrist told me that i should write letters. to someone that has caused me pain.

but that hurt too much, i couldn't do it. so i decided to write to you- the boy who has never caused me pain. on purpose, that is.

i might not even send this. i might just keep it for me only. a part of me wants you to have it. the other half of me screams in protest at the thought. maybe one day i'll bundle them all up in a parcel and send them. maybe i won't.


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