I get up and get something to eat in the fridge. I grab pickles and Nutella, I then dip the pickle in the Nutella and eat it. This taste so delicious omg why. "I have the....why you eating Pickles and Nutella. I thought you hated those and why do we even have pickles." I shrugged.

I put down the things I'm eating and grab the test. I do my business on the stick then wait for five minutes. Once I finish I look at the stick, I drop it. "MATTHEW!!!" I scream his name.


I was typing on my phone then suddenly I hear "MATTHEW!!!". I drop the phone immediately but I need to know if it cracked.

I run to the bathroom where my precious little sister was crying tears of joy? She hands me the 3 sticks and it all says 'positive' but why she cry tears of joy?

"Do you wanna keep the baby?" She looks up and gives me a weak smile.

"I do but I really wanna finish my education and get the job I want. Matt I know I'm only 18 but I know I will do anything for this baby even tho it's from that jerk." I nod.

"But aren't you gonna go to New York in June? Cause if you are then you have to stay there and move there but with who? Because I'm not letting you stay there by yourself!" I tell her.

"Matt I should tell you now...well...um I'm moving there in 2 weeks because I rather have the baby there. Also so I'm far away from you know who. About the moving part im getting a dorm so no worries." WHAT!?.

"Ok I'll let you go now. Let's go to mall with Grace and buy us some new clothes." She nods and probably goes upstairs to get herself ready.

I go get Grace and put her in a pink floral dress with some black and white vans. Once we were all done we drive in my car to the mall.


I remember this mall, this is the mall when I bought my bathing suit with him. I still have that swim suit too, I shouldn't think of that monster.

We all then end up with a lot of bags from Forever 21, Cotton On, Vans, Converse, Nike, Aeropostale, Hot Topic, Pac Sun, etc. I also went through baby clothes I can't wait until I find out about the gender.

I just wish can forget about him. We go home and I sit on the couch with Grace watching Teen Titans Go. I wish I can just go back to where I never met Cam and just live how I used to be.

I decide to call Andrea Russett to come over because I need a girl around my age right now. "Hello? Elissa OMG long time no talk, where have you been?"

"I'm living with my big brother right now. I was wondering if you would come over because I need a girl to have girl talk." I sigh.

"OK.ADDRESS.NOW" I text her it and not even 15 mins I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door to see her with her glasses, sweatpants, crop top. I pull her in the house, I turn to Matt and see his mouth dropped.

"Close you mouth before you catch flies Kuya." I turn to Andrea.

"He's your old brother?" I nod to her.

"How he's more like ugh and you more like AHHH." I laugh at her and pull her upstairs to her room.

"Ok so what's up girl?" I tell her everything and by everything I mean EVERYTHING.

Finally Noticed//c.dHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin