Chapter 5: First, in a dream...

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I stood there, like a ghost. She walked into the bar with another girl. I'll guess is her bestfriend. I was going on a limbo when I heard Teddy yelling at me. "Helloo? Is anybody home? Wakey wakey eggs and bakey! JACK!"

"Teddy, that's the girl I told you about." I said still oblivious.

"The girl from the dream?" He said drinking another shot of tequila. "Yeah and the same one in the morning." She was beautiful: dark long hair, skin white as snow and not that tall at all. They were heading their way to the bar. She was getting closer  and closer until she made it with her friend and sat next to us. My heart was pounding fast I'm going to have a heart attack . Whispering, Teddy asked "Which one? The dark brown or the blondie one?!" I seriously didn't want to answer him because I knew in that very exact moment, he was about to do something that will lead him to his funeral. Mumbling I said " The dark brown one". He didn't even think twice about and turned himself to the girls and said "Hello, girls. What kind of beautiful creature is doing here on a place like this?"

He's dead...he's so dead

"We are just trying to get drunk. And when I say drunk, I mean very drunk." They giggled.

"Well, you have come to the right place and talking to the right person."  They laughed but she haven't say a word.  I was staring at her like a creep...she looks so fine. "So I know you have a sense of humor already so you must have a beautiful name, am I correct?" Teddy said looking now like a womanizer. "You're correct. My name is Alex and this is my bestfriend Valentina."

Check point. 

And immediately she spoke "You can call me Vali."

"Well nice to meet you Alex  and Vali. My name is Thomas but everyone knows me as Teddy and this is my best friend Jack."

This is getting awkward

"Nice to meet you too, Teddy bear and Jack." We laughed like we already knew each other since ever. How curious life is...It's has its moment schedule just for you. "Wait, I know you!" Vali said and I felt a rush over my body. My heart wanted to get out of my body...I freeze. "'re the one I collapsed with this morning."

Yeah you don't say....

"Yeah, hehe, that was me. Nice to see you again." I kept staring at her but immediately stopped. I looked like a total idiot don't say  There was an awkward silence between us and Teddy broke it saying "You girls want a beer, or go to dance?"

"I want to dance. Will you dance with me, handsome?" Alex said looking at my best friend all weirdo. "My pleasure, my lady. You two can stay here and talk while I go have some fun, fun." Teddy said with a seductive smile. This was getting weird every single minute. I watched him go to the dance floor with my fake smile but my eyes said otherwise  KILL HIM. Vali and I looked like at each and I exactly knew what she was saying to me through her eyes.

Sorry for Alex, she's always like this.

Well don't mind Teddy, he's a womanizer, literally



I took my first step to talking to her. I'm not that much of a talker but I jump for my 1 'point'. "So what do you like to do besides going to the club?" Ok, nice start...

"No, no, no. I'm just here because of Alex made me come. I'm not that 'party' people." She took a 'zip' of one of the tequila in front of me. "Tequila? So a 'party' person, uh?"  she said giving a sweet smile. The smile that's always on my mind like haunted me, devouring each piece of my mind. "Haha, no. You see today is my birthday, so Teddy and I usually, on each others birthdays, we do a game of shots, any kind."

"Oh! Your birthday?! Dude why didn't you say so?! Lets do it!"

"Do what?"

"A drinking shot game! Hey you! 5 shots of Tequila, quickly." She yelled at the bartender which looked very occupied on his job. But what can I do? That's my girl.

What the hell are you saying, focus

" I'm not going anywhere until we celebrate your birthday with proper celebration." She said very excited for the shot game. Best dream plus birthday ever!


The hours passed  9:30pm and we were still there talking and drinking our shot game.

Did you read correctly? Read again! OUR shot game, not Teddy's and me...OURS.

We kept drinking, talking about normal stuff, or maybe the obvious like 'Favorite color, favorite video game, etc., etc.' I know, W H A T ? but I'm just happy with her right now; knowing each other more, more. I can only said that I have a big smile on my face. I was really enjoying it. Suddenly, Teddy and Alex came back. "Ah, Vali! We should go now. It's gonna be late and I'm very tired. This dude can actually dance!" she said pointing at Teddy and laughing at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah. Just give me a minute." She started searching for something inside of her purse. "You know, it was great to meet you. I also feel like I know you for so long, but I don't know why. Maybe it's just the alcohol you know, our drinking birthday shot game. Haha"

"Yeah, hehe, maybe..." I stood there speechless.   Only if you knew, you were her   "Anyway I gonna leave you my cell number to hang out sometime!" She took a piece of paper from her purse and wrote down her cell number. She gave me the piece of paper and kissed my on the cheek. I never felt so much happiness inside of me like I feel now. We both waved goodbyes but kept staring at her while she was leaving. I stood there like a statue; my world became slow motion and my novel appeared:

'looking at her, talking to her, I knew she was perfect...I knew she was the one'

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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