Bittersweet Memories

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Lovino huffed heavily, crossing his arms over his chest. He was primarily gauging their reactions. So far, Antonio had the best one. It was a mix of amusement and surprise.

"Are you just going to gawk at me with that damn smile or are you going to be a good boyfriend and fluff my damned pillows, you asshole. God, so fucking inconsiderate."

Lovino didn't know what had happened, but a sudden spark had been ignited in him. He was slowly returning to his old self, a very angry but well-witted Italian. After having the snot beat out of him, Lovino wasn't going let others push him around. Sure he would still always have that sensitive side to him, but there was not going to be anymore hurt in his life. It had started in a breath and it was ending in this hospital room. That was the end of it.

Lovino smiled gently when Antonio came over and readjusted his pillows. The new height felt good. He was bruised and broken in places, but he would get over it. He had a perfect bastard in front of him.

"Lovino..." Roma started after a moment or two of silence.

"You're not taking me out of school, Grandpa. There is no question," he shot, before his grandfather could formulate a sentence. "What kind of person would I be if I didn't shove this back in their faces. You better hope to hell I'll retaliate. Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me fucking twice, shame on me."

Grandpa had a defeated look on his face. Lovino, however, was sent. He would not argue on such a topic. There was no way in hell. He then looked to Feliciano, his gaze softening. His little brother seemed so shocked. He probably didn't know what to say.

"Feli, Ludwig better treat you right, or I'll have problems with him, too," Lovino muttered. His little brother's boyfriend was a good guy, but Lovino had long since decided that he'd take no shit when it came to Feli's happiness. The Italian gave his younger brother a protective, loving look and the younger boy broke. He flung his arms around Lovino, circling him into a tight hug.

"Oh, Lovino! I love you! You care so much about me and I love you and you are the best big brother in the world! Please don't go into the hospital anymore! I will cry if you do because you keep getting hurt and I don't want my big brother to get hurt!" Feliciano sobbed, crushing Lovino
The older Italian gasped out a pained reply. "Feli, please. I promise I won't, but you have to let me go!" Lovino mumbled.

Feliciano stepped back quickly, blushing a bright crimson and stammering out apologies. Lovino could only smile at his brother's bashfulness. Lovino felt a sort of bond growing between him and Feliciano. Instead of showing a pitiful, broken, wounded spirit, he remained strong. It was time to turn his back on fear. He wanted to encourage his younger brother rather than to teach him to live in fear of himself, of his sexuality. Lovino had determined a goal for himself. He wanted to be a positive influence upon the lighthearted boy in front of him. He wanted to teach Feli that the bastards of the world could never crush him or change him. There would always be physical wounds at some point, but those wounds would heal. They could never break Feliciano unless he let them. Lovino had learned this so late in the game, but he was now set upon making sure Feliciano, his beloved fratello, knew.*

Lovino hoped he could convey his each and every thought to his brother. He wanted him to understand that being gay made him no less human. Having the crap beat out of him would hurt, but it would never mean he'd have to change. Lovino looked at Feliciano with a look that held a million words. By the look on his younger brother's face, he understood.

The shorter boy nodded fractionally before turning to Roma. "Grandpa, let's get Lovino some food. Maybe they have pasta in the food court!"

The Lovely Wounds (SpaMano)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora