Meeting you

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Everyone know me as Jessica Carts but my real names actually Ayeasha. No one knows that I'm actually Muslim, and I don't want them to know either cause I don't believe in Islam. I'm 18 years and am at the last year of highschool, my parents disowend me two years ago because they were ashamed to have a daughter like me, so I live alone with my bestdriend Trisha and her boyfriend. I started working partime in a bar a while ago to get some money.
"Jess hurry up or were going to be late" Trisha yelled.
"Shut up I'm coming" I yelled back. We were going to this asses party who was tottaly into me but who cares. I took one last look at the mirror and was satasfied with how I look. I was wearing a tight really short dress which showed all my curves and my blond hair were curled.
I then went outside to where Trisha was waiting in her car.
"Woah, jess u look hot" Trisha said which I already knew
"And you look not so bad your self" I said, I then looked behind to her boyfriend Zac who was shamelessly checking me out, so I coughed trying to take away his eyes which were roaming all over my body. Trisha new Zac was a jerk but what she didn't know was that he always tried to flirt with me or touch me in some kind of way when she wasn't around. And of course when I fricken tried to tell her she wouldn't believe me.
We were now in the car and its been 20 minutes and we were about to reach to Justains Party. Finnaly we were there and when I walked inside everyone stoped and looked at me, don't worry it always happens because I was the hottest girl in school. I could liteerly feel every guys eyes checking me out.
"Hey jess babe finnaly you could make it" I heard Justain say, as he walked towards me. Justain was an ass but he was also my boyfriend, I didn't like him much because I knew he was a player and he slept with litterly all the girls in school. But the only reason I dated him was only to keep my reputation because it only made sense that the head cheerleader dated the quarter back football player. He finnaly reached me and put his hands around my waist, and I don't know why but deep down I had I feeling this was wrong but I chose to ignore it.
"So you wanna go take some shots" he said
"Of course babe you I would never say no to that" I said as I brang my fingers up and touched his lips, I saw his lips turn into a smirk and he pulled me closer as I put my hands around his neck. For a few seconds we looked into each others eyes and I could only find lust as he crashed his lips into mines.This felt so wrong, but I still went along with it and kissed him back much harder and I could feel him smirk under his lips. Then he pulled back and said,
"I think we should go upstairs into my room" and to my surprise I nodded. I could feel him start picking me up and bringing me upstairs and in a matter of few seconds we reached his room and he smacked the door shut. After that he roughly threw me down on the bed and at that moment I felt scared all I could see was lust in his eyes only lust. He slowly started to crawl on the bed and kissed me, first I thought this was was going to be a small make out session like all our others but when I felt his hand start to go under my shirt then it hit me he wanted more and I wouldn't give him that. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't stop he started trailing kisses down my neck line and that's when I had enough and yelled "Stop" but he didn't so I kept screaming fighting and thats when he had enough.
"Shut up you bitch just shut up I know you want this to"
Then I could feel my tears start to come and felt really I scared, and angry at myself because why did I agree to come up with him. He again tried to kiss me but I kicked him as I could see him yell in pain. I took the chance and ran downstairs wanting to anywhere but this party, so I started to look for Trisha to take me home but when I couldn't find her I ran by myself outside. I started to run and cry and cry I didn't know where I was going but what happend there I knew it sorta was my fault. I just kept running when I suddenly heard a loud honking sound and turned around to see a car hit me and started feeling dizzy I could only see blood and thats when it all went black.

~ Hey guys this is my first story on wattpadd and I really hope you like. I know its not that amazing but I'm really am trying so plz don't give any hate comments. And I really want u guys to comment and give me feed back to let me know what you like and what I should improve on. I've read a lot of Muslim story's on wattpad and I wanted mine to be a bit different then them because in my story both guy and girl are not really Muslim well the girl is but they help each other to become better, slowly learning what Islam is really like.~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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