Chapter 1

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Disclaimer I own nothing except OC's

Hey here is the new story I hope you enjoy it.

Rick O'Connell stood still in the darkened tunnel as shuffling noises surrounded him. It had been nearly 8 years since Hamunaptra and he still had nightmares about it. Rick quickly pulled out his gun and turned around shoving spider webs out of his way as he did. He grabbed a torch as he walked further into the tunnel, listening out for any strange noises.

Rick heard a noise from around the corner, he quickly looked around the corner but there was nothing there. Rick breathed a sigh of relief as he turned around only to come face to face with a young child.

Both screamed as the child fell away from each other, the child getting knocked onto his back with surprise.

Rick breathed a sigh of relief as his racing heartbeat started to slow.

"Alex"? Rick gasped out with a slight laugh as he put his gun away. Alex chuckled as he looked up at his dad.

"What were you thinking a mummy had come back to life"? Alex questioned as he stood up with his dad's help.

"I'll tell you a story some time". Rick replied as he pulled Alex. Neither he nor Alex's mother had told Alex the story of Imhotep and Hamunaptra, they had decided to wait until he was older.

"What are you doing down here? We told you to wait for us up in the temple". Rick said as Alex tried to interrupt him.

"But, dad I saw ..."

"No "buts". It's dangerous down here Alex".

"But I saw your tattoo".

"You saw what"? Rick asked after Alex had finally been able to get a word in.

"On a wall by the entrance. There's a cartouche just like it. With the pyramid and the eye and the two kings and everything". Alex rambled on excitedly, sounding just like his mother. Alex pulled Rick leather cuff off as he pointed to said tattoo.

"Really"? Rick asked as he smiled as Alex.

"Yeah". Alex nodded still excited by his small discovery.

"Okay, well, I'll be up to take a look at that in a minute. In the meantime, I want you to wait for us up there". Rick said as he pointed back towards the temple.


"No, pick up your stuff, and we'll see you in up in the temple". Rick ordered as he turned Alex around by his shoulders.


"Go". Rick ordered as he pointed back towards the temple again.

"And ... And what should I do"? Alex asked his dad as he started to walk back towards the temple.

"I don't know. Surprise me. Build a better mouse trap". Rick jokingly said as he turned around to go find his wife and her sister.

"Okay". Alex agreed as he ran off taking his father completely seriously.

"While you mother and aunt go and desecrate another tomb".


Katharine and Evy were dusting off the nearby wall when they heard a slither nearby grabbing both their attention. Just like Rick they both were still paranoid and had nightmares about Hamunaptra although out of them all Rick was most definitely the worst.

Katharine looked down when she felt a weigh on her foot. A snake was making its way across her foot slithering as it went.

"Go away". Katharine scolded as she kicked the snake away unknowingly in her husband's direction. Rick luckily ducked out of the way in time.

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