A Person of Interest

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Mona P.O.V.;
     My heart was racing, pounding, for two reasons. However they were both because of Mike.
The first reason was because I was actually going to have a conversation with him later today, something I hadn't done in years. Of course, it wasn't like I was talking to a stranger. It was just that I hoped that it want awkward, or anything so.
    The other thing was that Mike had asked about the bruises. The one thing I had feared him asking. Or anyone asking. My heart hoped that no one else would ask today. Although I had the excuse, I just didn't want anyone asking about the injuries, period. It just brought up the memories of last night.
    And those were memories that I didn't want to remember. But I knew they'd always be etched in the back of my mind.
Mike P.O.V,;
   For the two days I'd been at the school, things had been going pretty well. Although I think that one of the girls, no, maybe more than one, in my class has the "hots" for me, as Aria said when I had told her.
      I walk into the classroom as the fourth bell rings, finding all of the students sitting at their desks. Two boys in the back, throwing paper at each other. One girl is sitting quietly, reading a book. She reminded me a lot of Aria. She had her shaped face.
"DAMMIT!" one of the younger kids in yells walking in, tripping over his shoelace. A roar of laughter erupts from the room. I try to hide my snicker as I took out all of my materials.
"You all need to be quiet." says a female voice. I look up discretely and see it's the girl that had the schoolgirl crush on me.
I clear my throat and try to be as polite as I can. "Can I have everyone's attention please? And thank you Miss... uhh..."
"Pollar. Lynette Pollar." the girl reminds me, flashing me a shy smile. She was actually, from the reports I've seen, a very smart student. But it seemed like she had a very fragile confidence, and I didn't want to ruin that for her by being rude.
    The rest of the class, I try to teach without my mind lingering towards the end of the day. Like a student, anxious to bust out of their seats and run towards the doors to escape to the things they really wanted to do. Like run home and watch TV. Maybe hang out with their friends.
Well, what I wanted to do was see Mona.
Kind of alarming me, the bell rings, letting everyone know class is over. With a heavy sigh, I glance at the clock on the wall and see it's lunch. Fantastic.
I walk to the teacher's lounge, earning a few glances my way. Even a, "Hi, Mr. Montgomery." escaped from someone's mouth. I'm sort of surprised people knew my name after my 2nd day here.
My hand pushes the door open, glancing around the room. There was Vice Principal Adams standing in the corner, chatting with Mr. Colfer, the junior math teacher, who was my around my age, so he'd told me yesterday.
As I start to sit down, I see a blonde woman peering down at her papers. With my lunch in hand, I sit down, and say, "Difficult grading those things, is it?"
Her head raises, and she turns to look at me. Confusion, but a hint of surprise crosses her face. Mine too.
"Alison?" I ask astonished. I didn't know she taught here. I'm pretty sure Aria would've told me if she did... but who knows. Maybe they weren't close friends anymore.
"Mike? Aria's baby brother?" Alison asks me, seeming a bit less puzzled. I fight the urge to roll my eyes.
"Well, yes, but I'm not Aria's baby brother." I emphasize on the baby brother. She chuckles a bit, her head bobbing the slightest.
She looks at me again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude or anything..."
"Don't worry about it." I give her a reassuring half smile.
I realize I've never had a real conversation with Alison. Of course, I did visit her in jail a few times... I shudder a bit at the thought of that time. We had chatted for a little while, but it was never anything like, "Hello, how are you?" It was kind of strange, really. I wonder if she and Mona had ever patched things up...
Mona. My mind keeps wondering off to her today. I seriously need to clear my head, or else I won't be able to think straight. I guess having her back in my life, well, I don't know if you could really call it that, but it brought back the times where she was pretty much all I was concerned about. Of course, I had my other priorities. I didn't just ignore everything just for her. Mona...
    "Mike?" Alison asks. I blink a few times and look at her. One of her eyebrows are raised, as if she's waiting for an answer to a question. I take a breath, sort of smelling the linen air-freshener while doing so.
   "Sorry. I was just thinking...." I trail off.
   "About what?" she asks, as if she's really interested. She takes a sip of her water, pushing a strand of blonde hair.
I chuckle nervously. "You, uh, probably wouldn't want to know...".
"What could you possibly be thinking about that I can't know?" Alison asks.
"Hmm..." I pretend to think," crime, destroying the world.."
"You know what I mean." she laughs. I smile shyly.
"Seriously. Tell me."
I sigh. I don't know if she'd be upset if I told her. But I don't know if she'd be happy, either.
"Well, I uh, ran into Mona the other day..." I start, and Alison smiles. A reaction I wasn't expecting.
"That's good. She talked about you the other day..." I'm shocked at two things. One: she talked about me before she saw me. Two: she talked to Ali.
"Y-You talked to her?" I ask, surprise in my voice. She nods.
"We're really good friends now. We have been for about 4 years. She's..." she trails off.
"She's what? She's not preg-"
"Oh my gosh, no she isn't pregnant!" Alison exclaims, a hint of humor in her expression. A timer for the microwave goes off, and the smell of lasagna fills the room.
"Then what?" I chuckle.
Alison sighs, glancing down at her ringed hand. "She's.... changed since the first year. About a two years ago.. maybe one.. I started noticing she wasn't as happy as usual. She started not being able to come hang out. She had to go home early... I'm kind of worried, actually." she says, biting her lip.
I gulp. "W-well I'm going talk to her later... maybe I'll try talking to her about it."
"I tried once. She said she was fine. But I mean, you are kind of.. closer, I guess? I mean, I know you've broken up, and you only just saw each other again like 2 days ago.."
"Trust me. I know Mona more than you think."
Alison gives me a half smile. She gives me a thank you, picks her bags up, and walks out the door.
And I'm left here. Wondering what the hell could be wrong with Mona.
And there the name was. In my brain again.
I FINALLY UPDATED AND I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE THIS CHAPTER. I know it's longer than usual, but it's because I felt like making it longer. My chapters might be this length from now on. Please, please please give your opinions and suggestions! They're appreciated!

You Never LeftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora