Salt Meets Wound

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Mona P.O.V.;
Every couple minutes, my eyes glance to the clock, watching my time at work tick away quicker than I wanted it to. I wish I could stay here forever.
My fingers tap on my desk, staring at my glaring computer screen, my mind not making sense of the words I had typed moments before. I shake my head vigorously to clear it. I don't usually get distracted at work. Well, more like NEVER get distracted at work. But the whole Mike-encounter threw me off, even though we had a 2 minute conversation.
      My phone rings, causing me to jump. I pick it up quickly and see the caller ID. "Hanna".
   "Han?" I ask.
"Mona! Hey!"
     I chuckle a bit. "Hey, Hanna."
"Are you busy later?!" Hanna asks, enthusiastic.
   I gulp. I really couldn't afford getting home late.
   "I-I don't..."
"I need to see you, Mona. We haven't talked in... what? Two weeks?! Cmon. We'll go shopping. We'll even go to that nasty cafe place you like."
    I scoff. "Hey! That place is good! Their macaroons-"
    "No, let me complete that sentence. They taste like utter crap." Hanna chuckles.
    "Pleaseeeeee?" Hanna begs.
I chew my lip, considering. I did need to see Hanna... but, at the same time there were other things I needed to do too...
    "Fine. But I have to be home by 8:30." I finally agree, scooting my roller chair closer to my desk.
    "Deal. See ya." Hanna says as the line goes dead. I let out a breath and lean back, staring at the ceiling.
"And that's the story of how I almost got fired." Hanna says, taking a swig of her coffee.
I chuckle a bit and shake my head. "God, Han, you could be a bit more... what's the word... polite?"
Hanna's eyes roll. "I was being polite. "
I giggle, and Hanna joins in.
She stirs her coffee with her spoon. "Tell me, how has YOUR job been?" Hanna suggests.
I half smile. "It's actually been really, really good. I look forward to going every morning."
Hanna raises an eyebrow, seeming confused. She cocks her head.
"Excited to go to work? This is coming from a woman who used to hate going to school most mornings." Hanna says, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. Loud laughter erupts in the other side of the room, and a cup drops on the ground, causing the drink to spill and the smell of coffee to surround the room more.
I shrug in reply to Hanna's comment. "I dunno. I guess I just enjoy what I do. I mean, it's better than being miserable, right?", I ask.
"I suppose," Hanna says, "it's nice to have a job that doesn't want to make you throw your papers around. By the way, don't do that. It makes a mess."
I shake my head and half smile.
Clinks of silverware echo around the cafe, and voices, deep and high, chatter. The friendly atmosphere makes me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. It made me.. relaxed. Let me unwind. Like I could actually just sit down in quiet for once.
"I can't believe the cafe stays open this late." Hanna says casually, causing me to snap my head up.
"Wh-what? H-How late?" I stutter.
"9:45..." Hanna says with her eyes widening. "Mona, I'm sorry! I lost track of time! I completely forgot you said you needed to be home-"
"It's okay, Han." I reassure her, patting her hand. She bites her lip as I get up from my chair and scoot it in.
"I'm sorry. I'll call you, and we'll get back together soon. I promise." I apologize, feeling bad for having to leave her.
"It's okay." Hanna tells me with a smile. I smile back, wave, and quickly walk out of the restaurant.
The whole drive home, my heart was racing with anxiety, my hands shaking with nervousness. I can't believe I let myself get caught in time. Dammit, dammit. I mentally slapped myself for my stupidity. My eyes felt watery, like I was about to burst into tears. And I was. Because I knew what was coming.
I arrive at my home, glancing at my watch. 10:00 PM. My eyes widen and I gasp, and almost have a full blown panic attack. I'm not ready. I don't want to go inside. Not when I know what might happen.
I get out of my car, my legs shaking with every step I take. "Why, why, why," I muttered to myself as I approached the door. I saw the lights in the house were off. It could be a good sign.
My hand shakes and turns the brass knob, and I walk inside the house, the smell instantly overwhelming me. I try to shut the door quietly, trying to be discreet. I wasn't going to take my chance of him being home and waking up. I tiptoe to a lamp, and turn it on. With a feeling of relief, I sigh and turn around. But that feeling of relief didn't last long.
The monster was home. And he was standing right behind me.
I don't know if you'd call that much of a cliffhanger... but if it IS, then CLIFFHANGER HWOOOO. Let me know what you think! :) -G

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