A house!!!

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"Oh my god, my leg it hurts so bad" said Faith 

It was a bad night to be on the run. She was in the middle of a strong thunder storm and even though she was in pain, she pushed on because she knew that the killer was right behind her...

"Will he ever stop? Who is he? and why won't he let me go, I didn't see anything." thought Faith ducking into a brush and trying to hide.

the killer walked up behind the brush that Faith was hiding in. Not being able to see her in site, he went and knocked on the door that was next to him. 

"Hello there, I'm so sorry to bother you but have you seen a teenage girl running around here?" 

"Oh... i'm so sorry but no i haven't. If you don't mind me asking... why are you looking for a teenage girl?" asked Mrs.Crowford, raising an eyebrow 

"It's perfectly fine, i was just asking because she is my daughter and she has not returned home." said the killer

"Oh my... i'm so sorry to hear to hear that.  Well if i see her let you know Mr..." 

"Benson... Mr.Benson"

"Well Mr.Benson i'll be sure to let you know" said the mother, reassuring the killer 

As the killer said goodbye, he handed the lady a card with his number on it and walked away. Faith then  suck in behind her. 

"mom... who is this girl?" ask a little boy who looks to be in kindergarten 

"Oh my!!! wait you must be that teenage girl... your dad is looking for you, here let me call..."

"NO!!! that's not my dad... that man killed my family and he's after me because he never finished me off... please I've been running from him for the past 8 hours and I am glad that this storm came so he could lose me... 

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