Show Me (Jackie x Chase)

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Song: A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me by Fall Out Boy
Jackie knew, she knew exactly how to make it, with six cups of water and a teaspoon of salt so the water would boil quicker.

Chase on the other hand, had no idea what the hell he was doing even when he was reading the box with the instructions on it, but he still made an attempt to help.

Jackie was the organized girl that in fact, Chase would have never met if she hadn't been so neat, and sitting behind him in his third period literature class.

He remembered they day they'd first talked. He turned around as she was writing lyrics to a Fall Out Boy song.

So say what are you waiting for?
Kiss her, kiss her
I set my clocks early cause I know I'm always late

She had looked up just as she had finished the verse. Chase of course knew he should probably look away but he was trapped in her gaze.

It took the girl a second but she had smiled back. 

Now here they were sitting side by side in the hallway, it had been a few months since the two had started talking and Chase was falling in love with the girl more and more everyday. 

Jackie had her right leg pulled up and her left leg straightened out and turned out. She was gently tapping the floor with her fingers as she listene to the music drifting through the earbud placed in her left ear, the second half in the Chase's ear. 

She smiled as she thought of the boy. She remembered him smiling when he found out that she listened to the same music as him. It seemed like no one listened to the band at the time and after that the two had found that they had tons in common. 

Just as their favorite song, What a Catch Donnie, had finished the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. 

Chase said and turned to face Jackie. 

"My house, after school, be there." The boy said before smirking and running off to his next class.

Jackie smiled, she was always ready for adventure. 


That day, Jackie walked home from school as a giant smile played on her lips. She walked to the beat of her music and managed to make it home in less than 15 minutes. 

She had planned to walk home and take her car to Chase's house, which was quite a bit away from her house. 

"Hey!" Chase said as he opened the door to reveal Jackie. He smiled and stepped outside. "You ready?" He asked. 

"Always." She smiled. 

"Good." He nodded and opened the door to the passenger side so that Jackie could step in. He closed the door before heading to the driver's side and starting the car up.

"Where are we going?" She asked as Fall Out Boy played lightly in the background. 

Chase shook his head and continued humming to the bands most popular song, Centuries. 

She shook it off and smiled to herself as they pair continued down the road. Around an hour later Chase announced that they were halfway there. 

The girl let her mind run away as they continued. The sun got lower and lower, but there was probably an hour left until the last lights of day faded away. Jackie smiled and lifted her head up as Chase announced that they were there. 

Her eyes lit up as she saw where they were. Chase threw the truck into park and hopped out, running over to Jackie's side to help her out. 

She hopped out and he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the bed of the truck. He pulled back the truck cover to reveal a picnic basket and several blankets. 

Chase helped the girl into the back and followed her. 

The two watched the sun set and the stars come out. 

"It's gorgeous." Jackie said as the sun was reaching it's final minutes. 

"Just like you." Chase said under his breath. Jackie blushed furiously and looked up at him. 

"Thank you." She smiled and leaned into his chest. Chase's eyes widened as he realized that the girl had heard his compliment. 

"You're welcome." He said, unsure if she had meant her gratitude. As it gradually got into the dark stages of the night the two leaned back to stare up at the stars.

Jackie rested her head on Chase's chest and gasped at the unreal view of the stars. 

"Thank you for bringing me here." Jackie said. 

"I knew you'd like it." Chase replied. 

The two sat up. 

"I have something for you." Chase said and reached behind him. "I've been waiting to ask you this for a while now, but will you be my girlfriend?" Chase asked nervously and scratched his neck.

"Yes, yes I will." Jackie said, trying to keep her cool. 

"I didn't think that I'd get this far so I didn't really rehearse it, but this is for you." He pulled his hand out from behind his back. He held out a necklace in the shape of the moon, the held it in both hands and show the girl that it opened to reveal a crescent shaped picture of when the two had gone to the aquarium together. 

"I love this so much, and I love you." Jackie said. 

"I love you too." Chase smiled before closing the gap between them. 


Ok you got what you wanted, pay me money. 

Jkjk, this was fun to write though. 


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