#FirstVisit (Ris x Jordan)

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Media: OOOOH RIS AND JOORRDAAAN <3 SOOO KAWAAAIIII and disneylands 60th anniversary fireworks :3

First off, you need to die to cleanse yourself of your sins (╬ಠ益ಠ)

Also the times skips will be real bc I hate writing about stuffs...




So here is a playlist of all of the songs I associate with this ship (Jorris )


OHHHH MAH GOD THE SHIPS ARE REEEAAAALLLLLL (she ships herself with him lelelel)

-Cmdeguzzi (again)


I smile and wave back to Charlize as I pull Jordan from the main entrance of Disneyland. Thanks to her magic, she signed us in so that we had all day in both parks, and what made this trip even better was the fact that this was Jordan's first time here.

"Sooo, what do we do first?" Jordan asks me, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Uh, MY FAVORITE RIDES!" I smile as I start skipping towards Haunted Mansion with Jordan trailing behind me.

When we get there, we find out that the line is 30 minutes long.

"Wow, are the lines always this long for rides that last for like a few minutes?" he asks me as we get in line.

"Please, its Disneyland. This is nothing compared to the lines in DCA," I say. Soon, enough we're inside and seated.


"Oh my god that was SO cool," he grins as we jump off.

"I know right? Anyway, let's go to... Pirates?" I ask him.

"Whatever you want, you have more experience than me," he shrugs as we make our way to the next ride.

"Okay. Also if we're gonna go to California Adventure, which we will because you NEED to go there, we have to be back here by 9:30 so we can watch the fireworks," I explain. He nods as we get on Pirates.


"Uh what time is it..." I trail off as I turn on my phone. "Its already 10:45 so maybe two or three more rides and then we grab lunch somewhere. TO TOMORROWLAND for Space Mountain, my ultimate favorite, and Star Tours."

He smiles at my excitement and nods. "Sounds epic."

While we were walking towards Tomorrowland, I feel his hand brush against mine. I blush a bit, but I just shake it off. A few minutes later though, I feel him grab my hand.

I glance up at him and he just gives me a small smile. After awhile, we finally get to Space Mountain which is only a 20 minute wait.

"This is probably the shortest I've seen this line before," I say to break the silence between us.

"Really? How long is it usually?" he asks as I feel his hand slowly slip away from mine. I mentally sigh before answering.

"Usually its 30 minutes to an hour, and I think Charlize saw it at 2 hours once."

"Must be good then, huh?"

"You don't even know," I laugh.


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