Chapter Eleven [Final Beta]

Start from the beginning

A gentle knock echoed, and Lizzie started. She flipped her notebook closed and let Duke in.

The aroma of fried food blew into the room as Duke entered. Lizzie dug into the bag, unfurled a greasy wrapper and began shoveling fries into her mouth, making muffled sounds of pleasure. She paused to unwrap a burger and carnivore it.

"You're welcome," Duke said, grabbing a burger as though he had to fight for it. "Probably not good for us either, but, hey. We're not going to live forever."

Lizzie's brain flashed back on her lyrics and dark thoughts from earlier. She crammed more fries in her mouth to crowd out her noisy thoughts. "Oh my God, this place is amazing," she said, once she had swallowed enough to speak. "Best post-outbreak reboot ever."

"Oh, I forgot the drinks in the hall." Duke hustled out into the hallway and came back in with two giant soda cups. "Wasn't sure what you'd like so I got classic cola and a cherry cola. They add the flavoring there. Which do you want?"

"I'll try the cherry, but I'm not sure I can drink either."

"Why not?"

"Acid. My tummy." Lizzie slurped on the straw; it made a rattling sound. Saj rolled over, whining. "That cherry is really good, but I think I'll have some ginger ale." Lizzie scooped up Saj and brought him over to the table.

Saj rubbed his eyes, still fussing until he saw Duke. "Juke!"

"Sorry. Should have asked."

Lizzie scooped up Saj and brought him over to the table. Duke laid out a pint-sized feast in front of the toddler, tearing open ketchup packets and squirting a little red pile next to the fries.

"Uh oh," Duke said. "Better eat fast, Saj, or Sissie'll eat up all those fries."

She snatched one up and made to chomp it.

"Mine," he shrieked.

She dropped it back in his pile. "Whoa. Peace, lil' dude."

He fed himself, dipping a piece of burger into the ketchup with his chubby fingers.

When the food was gone and Saj had bounced himself back to sleep, there was another knock on the door. "You want to get that?"

"Sure," Duke said, crossing quickly to the door with an eye on Saj's sleeping form. He opened it as Zach was about to knock again.

Zach stood there; his eyes moved from Duke to Lizzie and back. "Oh, hey, I just wanted to talk. But I can come back later."

"I'm about done for the night and Saj's asleep." Lizzie yawned.

"I was just about to leave," Duke said, taking the cue. "I'll help clean up first, though."

Duke piled the garbage from their dinner into the trash while Zach lingered in the doorway. "Thanks for having dinner with me, Lizzie." His smile was warm and sincere. On his way to the door he knelt and ran his hand over Saj's scalp.

He stood and locked eyes with her for just a little too long, then kissed her forehead. After he left, she stared at the door, confused by her feelings. Duke was a good guy and would make a great father.

Lizzie carried Saj to the bedroom, with Zach trailing after her. The only person she had real affection for these day was Saj...and Rachael. Once the little guy was tucked in, she shooed Zach back to the living room.

"I wanted to say sorry for not talking to you in the hospital," he said, once they were alone.

"It's all good."

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