After I got out I quickly began getting dressed. I could hear hip-hop music booming throughout the clubhouse and I knew there were probably already a ton of people here. After I finished pulling on all of my clothes I laid out a back up outfit on the bed, you could never know how crazy a SAMCRO party might get and I didn't want to panic if someone spilled something on me. I slid on my favorite black Dr.Marten boots and walked over to my mirror to finish getting ready. I decided to keep it simple and wear my new pair of earrings, the charm bracelet Opie had bought me for my 16th birthday, and a cute necklace. I put my hair into a high messy bun and put on some eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick. I made a kissy face and looked at myself and decided I was ready for the party. I looked hot. Guys were going to be all over me tonight and I was excited about it. It had taken me about an hour to get showered and dressed, and by the time I came out of my dorm the party was getting into full swing.

My godfather Clay spotted me and smiled as he walked over and wrapped an arm around me. He pulled me close into his side and softly kissed me on my forehead. "The princess finally appears. Happy birthday, sweetheart," he whispered into my ear. He slipped me an envelope and winked at me, then he walked away to find Gemma. I open the envelope eager to find out what was inside. Clay never disappointed, it was a fat wad of $1,500 cash. My face broke out into a huge smile as I walked back to my dorm to stash it away. I came back out to the party and went to the bar to grab a drink. I looked around the party to see everyone dancing, laughing, and having a great time. As I stood there smiling to myself, Josiah and Nadia walked up to me looking excited.

"Lex, this is the best SAMCRO party I've ever been to!" Nadia squealed out at me.

"Yeah, Lex, this is definitely legendary," Josiah added as he scanned the room.

"And it's about to get even better," I grinned hard at my two friends as I turned to the prospect manning the bar. "Hey Rat, can we get 3 shots of tequila?" I asked, "And I mean 3 shots each."

"Whoa there, somebody wants to get fucked up for their birthday," Rat replied with a grin as he began lining up the shot glasses.

"You know me. Go hard or go home," I laughed. He served us our drinks and we downed them. As we headed out to the dance floor to join the party I could feel the liquor starting to course through my body. I began to sway my hips to the rhythm of the music and let loose. I looked over and Josiah had already found a crow eater and she began grinding on him. Nadia was sitting on the couch cuddled up to my brother Juice. I could tell she had a crush on him and I was cool with it, my only concern was that Juice was a bit of a dog and I didn't want him to hurt her feelings. I playfully grabbed the nearest Son and pulled him to me. I didn't know him, but he was cute, young, and his kutte said he was from Tacoma. I turned around and looked at him with a seductive grin as I let the tequila take over me. I began to grind and move my body all over him as the bass from the music pumped. I could feel him getting hard as I danced on him. He grabbed me by my waist and turned me around to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing me hard in the mouth. I happily locked lips with the handsome stranger until I felt myself being pulled away by my brother Juice.

"What the fuck, Goofy?" I growled out at him.

"Calm down, tiger," he said with a grin, "Twitch and Clay told me to come get you. It's time for you to get your present. Come on."

The angry expression quickly disappeared from my face and I excitedly began following him towards the doors of the clubhouse. As we walked outside I saw all of the SAMCRO members, Gemma, Josiah, and Nadia gathered by the doors of the garage.

"Okay guys, where is my present?" I asked as I approached the group excitedly. I looked around and a confused expression appeared on my face as I realized no one was holding any boxes or bags.

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