mmm secks

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"wenna cum bek tew meh plece *winky fais*" sed Mitt Romneh

"yeah lets go bek an we can hav sum KFC mmm" exclemed Mirenda. As dey were walkin bek tew Mitt Romneys manshun, dey used puriod blood to mark dere trail sew dey wudnt ghet lost wen dey walked bek tew starbucks after dhey hav secky tems lol. 

"Shaniqua gtfo out da bafroom i know you aint shittin you is bein lazy af" shouted romney. "now shaniqua i want yew tew mek sum KFC fo meh fuk buddi." He den exchanged a wenk wiff mirenda cosgruv and she blushed an turned red lyke a sunburnt scrotum. ";)" mirenda wenked bek. Shaniqua left da rum bc she new it wez tyme fo her to go an ghet da KFC an she no dat when she gone dhey gon hav secks. Mirenda strut ento deh rum an sed "mitt imma were sumthin sexi fo u sew ur two inches of fun turns into four inches of pleasure *winky fais*" 

She began to slowlty take off her burqa, explosing large flaps of skin. "dew you lyke meh sphincter fleps dey help meh tew ghet laid wiff sexy niggas lolz" sed mirenda. all of a sudden da flaps began to flutter rly fast and mirenda was lifted off the ground and began to fly using da sphincter flaps attached tew her asshole. "oohhh bae you luk sew fine" 

Mitt romneh den began tew take out hes dek, which was rly small hahahahahahahahahha fuck you. "mirenda cum bek sew meh chode kan b inside yew. Dunt you want det" sed romney. Her flaps began tew slow as she gently floated to the ground and thought about what mitt romneh had jus proposed tew hur. We gon hav secks yis mirenda thought. 

"take meh romneh" mirenda yells out and den opens up her vagina lips using both hands bc they were so thick which is why she always has a camel toe lol. (btw mitt romneh luv her camul toe). 

Weth wun thrust of her heps she lowers her wide mouthed, thick lipped vagina onto romnehs chode and grends against et an den romneh sed "HAHAHAHAHA PENIS" as he shot his semen so far up mirenda dat it was digested by the enzymes in her stomatch. 

~*~*~**~*~~*tew beh continued*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

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