Part 19 - Chapter Eighteen

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Her little car was packed. She'd said her goodbyes to the horses and to Bandit. She'd hugged Bill and Gage farewell at breakfast and they were both already hard at work out on the ranch. She'd promised Bill she'd visit when she came down to see the Delaneys, but she had the feeling they both knew that was unlikely to happen, not with the way she'd left things with Gage.

"Darling, you know you really do have a home here. You call if you need us. We'll have a bed made up for you before you've put the phone down." Liz squeezed her so hard she thought she might pop a rib.

"Thank you. You really do feel like family Liz. I'll e mail you I promise."

Tara hopped into her car, buckled her seat belt.

"Gage asked me to give you this." Liz handed her something small but heavy, wrapped in cotton. Tara recognised the material. It was part of the shirt Gage had torn up to splint her arm. Inside the cotton was Gage's State Champion belt buckle.

Tara's mouth dropped open and she let out a noise like she'd been winded.

"I think he'll be pleased with that reaction." Liz smiled.


Liz put her hand on Tara's shoulder. "I know hon. I can't tell you what to do. The best I've got for you is, do what feels right." Tara nodded, unable to speak for fear her voice would give away how close to tears she was.

Tara left the ranch the same way she'd arrived six weeks ago, rattling down the long driveway in her little city car. Blue bonnets no longer lined the roads. It was late in the season and they were done for the year.

She placed the belt buckle on the passenger's seat Gage had sat in so many times. He had his license back now and she didn't think he'd be keen to ride shotgun any time soon. The belt buckle caught the sun and sparkled like treasure. She'd send it back to him in a few months when she could bear to part with it. Once she was settled in the city.

Was she doing the right thing? Liz had said do what feels right, but what if you don't know what feels right? Brooklyn was her plan and she had given her all to get to where she was now. A foot in the door with the city DA. She'd meet people in Brooklyn. Make a home for herself there. It was all there waiting for her, so why didn't she feel more excited?

She stopped in at Cinnamon, a place already full of so many memories, and gave her newly found Aunt a big hug. Ruth loaded her up with sweet treats and a paper cup of double shot coffee and bid her farewell.

This was it. Goodbye fairy tale Cowboy land. The highway called. But she didn't feel quite ready to leave Bandera yet. Perhaps she'd do what Liz had suggested and trust the feeling. She didn't feel like visiting Carley at the hospital, nor did she feel like popping in to let Jim know he'd lost his bet about her becoming a long term fixture at Burrowing Owl. Then she remembered she hadn't let Carolyn know she'd taken the Brooklyn job.

If it was possible to look anymore pregnant than she had the last time Tara had seen her, Carolyn did. She waddled across the room with hand extended for Tara to shake. "I hear congratulations are in order." She pumped Tara's hand enthusiastically. "Where is that gorgeous Cowboy?" Tara felt her heart flip in her chest at the mention of Gage.

"Oh, I thought you meant Brooklyn." Tara said. "Gage is back at the Ranch."

"I would have liked to congratulate him in person. You took the Brooklyn job? And you won Gage's case? Big week."

"Yeah. Actually I'm heading out of town now, Austin tonight, Brooklyn tomorrow."

Carolyn studied Tara. "And Gage?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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