Part 16 - Chapter Fifteen

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Juliette met them outside Cinnamon. Hugging a quick hello to Tara and shaking Gage's hand.

"So, I finally get to meet the man responsible for Tara's failure to return to Austin on schedule."

"Don't blame it on me, she likes the horses and fresh air."

"Yes, I can see she's quite a rider." Juliette looked pointedly at Tara's purple cast.

"Actually, I'm here in pursuit of truth and justice. A cause that should be close to the heart of the both of you."

"Alright, alright, Your Honour, calm down." Juliette waved her writing compendium around in the air. "Actually Ms Truth and Justice - time for you to leave me alone with this Cowboy of yours for a while. I have an affidavit to draft, and you have a conflict of interest." Juliette raised both of her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "Skedaddle."

Juliette was right, Tara shouldn't be there when Gage gave her his statement.

"OK you two. I'll be back in an hour."

Tara watched her friend disappear into the coffee shop with her ... well she wasn't really sure what he was, one time lover, friend...cowboy? She might not know exactly what he was to her, but she did know that she sure as hell didn't like the way that Juliette was swinging her ass as she strolled towards the counter.

Tara groaned and rolled her eyes, turning in the direction of The Saddlery. She was sure she could kill an hour in Jim's store, not that she had much of her savings left to spend. The short notice flight to New York had left a big hole in her bank balance, and while the Masons' were putting her up for free she wasn't bringing in any money.

Deep in thought she didn't notice Ruth Delaney approaching.

"Tara! How lovely to see you. Did you come in to see me? I've been at the bank, come in and we'll have lunch together."

Tara wondered how Ruth would react when she told her the truth about the accident, that Gage wasn't a fault. Turned out she needn't have worried. Maryelle had talked to Carley and Carley had spoken to Ruth. In fact Ruth was fairly assured her that the Bandera grapevine had spread the news about Gage Mason faster than a front page feature article in the Bandera Bugle could have.

"Tara, folks have been close to downright rude to the Masons since the accident. If what you're saying is true there will be a lot of folks need to line up hat in hand and apologise."

"Ruth, I came here to confront Gage, and possibly to make him pay a bit more. I'm just as guilty as you are. We can't change the past but we can try to make the future better."

"What a wise woman you are Tara Delaney. You must've got that from your Mama, certainly didn't come from your father."


"Yes dear. I go by Blake."

"Tara Blake it is, as long as you stop calling me Ruth and start calling me Aunt Ruth."

"Aunt Ruth."

"It sounds good doesn't it? Do you think you're ready to come out and meet the rest of the Delaneys?"

"I think so, but we'd better be quick, I'm hoping to get a job soon."

"How exciting. Where?"

"I've applied in New York and in Austin."

"New York! So far away. We've only just found you and we might lose you so soon?" Ruth bit her lip and looked concerned.

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