chapter 2

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HI! Sorry if the chapters are not very big... i try to compartmentize things thats why...  Hope you like it... Thanks for reading it!!!!!!!

Vote please!!!!

******Edited by prologue92*****


Chapter 2

" I have never been in this kind of situation before." Maya said.

"You normally don't work yourself to death either. But that's what you have been doing for the past two month. I mean, after your break up and miscarriage, you never really got the time to heal."Christy explained.

"Hey! I stayed in the hospital for an entire month."

"Yes, then you return to your office, where you worked yourself to exhaustion only to quit a month later.”

“I told you I had to quit. I couldn’t stay and work in the same office with my ex and his new girlfriend, especially since she liked flaunting it in my face every chance she got! And in order to leave I had to work not to leave any loose ends there.”

“Well, yes if it was me, I would leave everything as it was and let him deal with the mess…”

“I am a professional Christy, even if he is not.”

“Ok ok enough about the scum of the earth. Tell me about last night and the guy whose bed you woke up in.”

“Not much to tell. I woke up, panicked because I had no idea where I was, how I got there or who he was. He appeared in the room going to the bathroom and made some comment about coffee… Ehhh some details are a little fussy because I had just woken up with the mother of headaches. Remind me not to drink again by the way. So when he entered the bathroom I found my clothes and got out of there as fast as I could.”

“He let you leave like that without any comments?”

“Did you not hear me? I didn’t give him the chance to say anything more. I ran from the apartment while he was taking a shower. As a matter of fact because I heard him finishing his shower I got out before I had the chance to find my purse. That’s why you had to open my door...”

“Soooo, was he cute?”

“Christy! That’s the first thing you can ask me? I am telling you I slept with a total stranger. He could be someone dangerous, he could have slipped in my drink some kind of drug and all you can think is whether he was cute? I don’t believe you!!!”

“Don’t be so shocked. You did not meet him at some bar apparently, since you were at your co-worker’s party. So unless it was a huge gathering of hundreds of people, it was a friend of July’s. Maybe you should give her a call and she will be able to fill the blanks of what really happened to you last night.”

“You are right. I’ll call her and then freak out. But it is too early, especially after a party. I’ll go take a shower, drink some coffee and then call her.”

“What was the guy’s comment about coffee?”


“You said the guy made a comment about coffee, what was it?”

“Oh I think he said there was coffee in the kitchen if I wanted some.”

“At least he was being nice.”

“Ya, sure very nice. First he gets me drunk, then he sleeps with me and he is nice because he offered me coffee.”

“Hey, we don’t know if that is how it happened. Wait for the details and then judge. And why are you so sure you slept together. Maybe he let you sleep in his bed to sober up.”

“I woke up naked, my clothes were all over his apartment, and I feel sore in places I shouldn’t. So yes I can say for sure sex was involved in last night’s activities.”

“Mmmmm, I wonder if he was good!”

“CHRISTY!!!! You are incorrigible! I am going to take a shower. Thanks you for opening to me, you can go home now.”

“No way. You woke me up. I want details. Take your shower; I will make some coffee for both of us. Then we can call dear old July and have some news about last night’s party!”

“Whatever. It is not like you will do anything I tell you….”

“Got that right, bestie!!!!”


I know it was not much... the next chapter gives an update on what has happened to Maya so far with her ex and all....

Hope you enjoyed

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