Intro and Characters

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Okay so i'm really happy to do another fan fiction but I promise that i'll update the others as well. As you know i'm a complete jariana fan but I respect who they date. I am in no way to make others and them uncomfortable.


~Ariana-16 year old who has been killing for and stealing for her own need for 3 years now and is NOT in a gang... at least for now. She goes to high school but moves around a lot

~Justin- 17 years old and has been in a gang since he was 14 due to his parents death but his gang is his new family but he's the boss

~Kylie- a 17 years old who is in Justin's gang and is dating Ryan

~Ryan- Justin's best friend. He is Kylie's boyfriend and has been in the gang since he was 14 and he is now 18 years.

~Liz- 17years old. Has been in the gang since she was 17. A total bad-ass

~Kahil (or however u spell his name) -A womanizer one would say. Handy with guns. In Justin's gang since he was 17 and is now 19.

~Kendall- a super pretty girl who is in Justin's gang and is good to have when needed for asking enemies question before they kill them. She is 17 and has been in Justin's gang since she was 15.

~Jasmine- 16 years old just got in Justin's gang. Ariana's first friend.

~Jeremy- Justin's uncle (in this story) 28 years old. Justin's enemy. Has been in a gang since he was was 16.


Okay so this will hopefully be a fan fic you will like and so I hope you enjoy! Btw Justin and his gang all go to high school but try to fit in so no-one suspects them of anything.

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