January 1st 1914

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Been almost two years since my brothers Cedric Ruben and my sister Winifred and I made it back to the United states... so far all is well except for the fact that its also been almost two years since our parents died in the drowning of the titanic.......they tried to get a life boat of their own but they wanted us to get to safety first by the time they found one it was to late and down they went... i can still hear Cedric and Ruben yelling and hear Winifred crying above the noise then cringing and crying my self as the four of us saw the frozen bodies of others in the ocean... funny how it all began as a fun adventure balls and parties on just about every one of those short lived nights.... it was horrible how it all ended and oh the gun shots! but now its getting better, we now live with our aunt and uncle and their kids in New York city...so far we have been to plays and musicals and the Zoo. Aunt Trudy has been so nice to us as is uncle Alexander but i still miss mother and Father........our cousins are all nice and they have stopped treating us like we have the plague or something now so its better now. i get a long great with Grace and Winifred gets a long great with the Twins Sally and Demitry and the boys they get along with Claude and Gerald so all is good. for now i hope.... well i must go. got to get ready for yet another musical or ballet that Aunt Trudy has planned for us girls while the boys go to a base ball game.... till then


My name is Lydia Pansington this is my journal.....Where stories live. Discover now